Chapter 2

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What in the actual fuck am I looking at right now??? "Ok princess clam down come with me " I muttered in the softest voice I could possibly manage while dragging him into the back room.

"What am I doing with you"

"I-it's c-cold " jimin cries softly to me staring at his hand.

Not sure what else to do I ran over to the corner of the room and grabbed a fluffy yellow blanket. I kept it here for nights when I couldn't get home due to criminals prowling the streets and had to sleep on the couch in here. Before  running back over to him and wrap it around him watching as he immediately snuggles into it. I don't think I have  ever seen something so cute. It looks like the same color of the over sized sweatshirt he had on. Slowly his skin started to return to his normal color.

I wrapped him in the blanket and watched as his tears seized and his hands stopped trembling "uh so yeah Um not to be weird or for you to think I'm drunk or something but did your hand turn BLUE?" He looked at me in the eyes but he didn't speak. He had beautiful eyes and I couldn't help but notice that beside the awkward situation I have found myself in.

"Alright I'm tired" I mumbled I went back into the bar area carefully trippin the garbage go grab the stupid bracelets Putting it on my pocket.

I dragged strawberry boy outside to my silver Nissan Versa. JOON helped me buy this car a couple of months ago as a thank you for my hard work and dedication to my job. He said he had plenty money to spare for me. After being late to work and having to run he decided instead of firing me he would provide a way for me to be here on time. Gotta love Namjoon

Getting in the drivers seat I turned on the car ready to drive but realized I had no idea where I was driving to.

"where am I taking you" i asked a little embarrassed that i didn't think this whole thing through. When he didn't answer I decided to ask a different question

"Umm ok... what's your name?"

"Jimin" he replied shortly not making eye contact with me but at least I know the boy is listening to me.

"Surname?" I feel like I'm interrogating the kid but what else is there to do?

"Park" jimin mumbles

"Address?" I eagerly pressed on


" alright listen princess you have two choices. You can either A: tell me where you live so I can take you home or B: you're coming home with me. Pick one"

Jimin lifted his head and made eye contact with me but didn't say anything just made eye contact.

I sighed heavily "you want to go home with me don't you" I asked in disbelief as i started the car pulling away from the bar i so desperately wanted to escape from. Jimin nodded his head but didn't look away from me.

"Can y-you turn the heat on" jimin nervously asks still bundled up in the big fluffy blanket already becoming a bit pale so I turned it on without another thought.

"Why would you pick optionB? For all you know I could be a serial killer" jimin giggles at that statement and I swear I thought that sound was so friggin cute. But I don't have time to UWU about that because I'm confused why he was laughing

"Why are you laughing I'm serious "

Jimin giggles again "you're way to nice to be a serial killer" jimin says kinda taking me off guard. Most people thought i was scary and super intimidating. Not for my size I know I'm short. But my deep voice and blank eye stare was enough to keep people away.

"Why did I agree to this for all I know you could be a serial killer as-well" i jokingly said causing jimin to dramatically gasp

"I AM NOT!" I couldn't help but chuckle  'he is absolutely adorable'

"Will your parents care that i will be there?" Jimin asked causing me to tense up but jimin didn't seem to notice.


"Will they be home?"


"Why not?"

"Listen kid I didn't ask about your skin thing so don't ask about my parents!" I snapped at him. It was a sensitive subject for me and i didn't want to talk about it.

"You asked about mine.." jimin mumbled but I definitely heard him that time.

I sighed once agin tonight. I didn't mean to get worked up but couldn't help it. I never really felt comfortable talking about his parents to anybody except for hoseok.

"Alright princess I'm sorry you can ask me whatever you want but don't ask about my parents" jimin pouted but nodded his head.

"What's your favorite color" jimin excitedly asked after a long moment of silence. I let out a small laugh at the sudden mood change but answered anyway. We asked eachother random questions the whole way to my apartment.

Once inside and our shoes were off I turned to jimin to see him STILL wrapped in my yellow blanket. He's so precious but I couldn't let it show on my face I didn't want him to think I was some creep that led him here to rape him.

"Alright strawberry boy. You can have my bed for the night. And know what a generous offer that is my bed is the love of my life" I said in a serious tone and watch as Jimin but his lip and gulped slowly nodding his head yes not wanting to disagree with me. I led him to my bedroom and watched as he hesitantly sit on my bed shyly looking up at me. I have a small smile before turning to my closet. 

"Do you need any clothes for bed. I doubt it would be comfortable to sleep in jeans" I said looking down at his ripped black skinny jeans. He nodded his head a little bit to shy to speak I could tell so I silently held out some shorts for him to wear. Leaving the room to give him some privacy.

A few minutes later he walks out of the room as I'm making a makeshift bed in the living room. I look up and WOW. His legs are so hot. I immediately looked away of coarse not wanting to look like a perv. "Is there anything else you need" I asked because he looked like he wanted to ask something "don't be shy you can ask"

"I am kinda hungry. I'm really sorry but I haven't eaten in a while" he mutters looking down in shame. I can't understand why he looks so shameful he didn't do something wrong.

"Of right. Um I actually wasn't going to go shopping until tomorrow I'm pretty sure all I have is cherry jell o" jimin looked at me and I could tell he was confused "what's jell o?" He said in a small squeak

"WHAT" I shouted causing jimin to flinch. I brushed it off and asked again in a softer tone "you don't know what jell o is?" He shook his head no with a pout and I couldn't help but smile at his cuteness.

I walked into my kitchen and looked through my very empty pantry finally picking up a small jell o cup. Opening it up and stabbing a spoon into it and handing it to jimin. He hesitantly took it sniffing it and taking in a small little bite. A smile grew on his face instantly. He obviously like cherry jell o "this is very tasty thank you yoongi hyung" i gave a small smile in return waited for jimin to finish is small meal.

"We can go shopping in the morning and discuss what we are gonna do about this whole situation but for now. Sleep" I ordered watching him slowly make his way into my room. I walked over to my couch pulled a blanket over myself and passed out instantly.

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