5. Sweet and Sour ✔

Start from the beginning

She tried again but got the same result. Hyeyoon let out a sigh and put her phone back. She couldn't help to feel sad; it was useless calling him. 

Her mind was in a complete mess. As much as her heart right now. She missed Seokwoo so much, but she couldn't reach him. She was afraid that Seokwoo might get angry again, just like when she made her first mistake, leading the two of them to a heated argument.

She realized that every relationship wasn't always going smoothly. After five months together with Seok-woo, Hyeyoon learned that there were times when Seokwoo became unreachable. Whenever he said he needed to focus on working on his project, he will lock himself down inside his apartment and blocked every communication, even with Hyeyoon.

His friends had used to this side of Kim Seok-woo. So, they often advised Hyeyoon to calm down and wait for him to contact her first once he finished his work. Hyeyoon tried to be selfless and figured a way to cooperate with the circumstances. She didn't want to be a clingy girlfriend to Seok-woo. So, they were right; at that time, Seok-woo did call her after a few days of no communication.

Hyeyoon recalled the event when she excitedly answered his call as she saw the caller ID showed 'My Seokwoo' on her phone screen. They talked for hours that night till Hyeyoon fell asleep.

But, he had been missing for more than a week already this time. Hyeyoon couldn't help to feel uneasy. He hadn't shown up at the campus lately since their schedule was not as packed as previous semesters. Their final semester was near even Hyeyoon was preparing her final Thesis for her graduation this winter.

Hyeyoon understands his burden and struggle since she was experiencing the same thing with her subjects. But Hyeyoon tried to believe they could work this together as long as they supported each other.

Hyeyoon won't deny she was upset. She began to think that she tried to make things work between them. Hyeyoon let the wind blew from the window gently to her face. It was both warm and fresh. Her memories went back to the things that happened five days ago.

Seok-woo was unreachable, but she missed him a lot, and that day was their 5th month anniversary. So, out of the blue, she got the idea to visit him uninformed, planned to make a little surprise. She was also cooking his favorite dishes.

But she eventually made a wrong decision as Seokwoo was quite mad about the idea, and it was their first fight.

* * * 

September, 29th 2016 (Flashback)

Hyeyoon pressed the doorbell, "Who's it?" she heard Seok-woo's voice not long after.

"It's me," Hyeyoon cheerfully told him, but there was no reply. He just unlocked the door and let Hyeyoon came in by herself.

Hyeyoon wasn't aware of the situation at first. She calmly entered his apartment to find Seok-woo was sitting on his couch with his arm crossed and staring at Hyeyoon in a dark expression.

"Have you eaten?" Hyeyoon then put the food she made on the dining table and was ready to serve it. "I made your favorites. Come here, have some before you continue working again, don't spend too much time in front of your computer. It's not good for your health and eyes, too," Hyeyoon turned to see his response, but instead of replying to her, Seok-woo frowned with an unpleasant expression.

Seeing him like that, Hyeyoon came near to him, "what's wrong?" she asked him gently as he might not feel good about something. Hyeyoon was offering her help in case Seokwoo needed someone to hear his concern. But when Hyeyoon reached out to touch his hand, Seok-woo rejected her slowly.

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