chapter fourteen✔︎

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Joey watched from his spot on the couch as the girl hugged Lucas and Dustin, the three holding each other tight.

The girl who he'd learned was the famous Eleven walked over to Daniel who laughed and pulled her into a hug. "Hey, Professor X."

"Hello, Danny."

Joey raised his eyebrows. She really must be special if Daniel aloud her to call him Danny- something only his brother, loved ones, and best friends were aloud to call him.

Max walked up to Eleven and waved, "Hey. Um, I'm Max. I've heard a lot about you."

Eleven glared at her and walked past, over to Joey who's eyes widened.

He gave her a nervous smile and stood up, using the wall to help maintain his balance.

"Hey. I'm Joey."

Eleven smiled and walked forward, embracing him, surprising the boy. "Danny told me about you. You're a good person." 

Joey gave Steve a questioning look who shrugged. Joey smiled and hugged the small girl back. "He's told me about you too. If what he said is true, you're one hell of a bad ass."

Eleven pulled away and cocked her head. "Bitchin'?"

Joey took one look at her slicked back hair, black trench coat, eyeshadow and nodded. "Totally bitchin'."

She gave him a grin before walking over to Joyce who greeted her with open arms and took her into Will's room to see the sleeping boy.

The two exited a few minutes later into the kitchen, the others filling in.

Joey walked in, leaning against Steve. Steve brushed the boy's hair back, kissing his forehead. "You okay?"

Joey gave weak nod and blushed, trying to ignore the way his stomach flipped at Steve's touch. "Yeah. The medicine helped some. I can't really feel anything now but I guess that's a plus."

Steve gave a quiet laugh and pulled him closer, rubbing his shoulder. 

"You opened this gate before, right?" Joyce asked, pointing to the words written on the paper. She turned to the girl. 


Joyce gave her a slow nod. "Do you think if we got you back there, that you could close it?"

The group stood silent, waiting for Eleven's answer.

She looked at Joyce and then back ahead, taking a deep breath.


-' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -

Billy Hargrove was having a shit night. 

Neil had beat him up, demanding to know where Max was, the answer to which Billy truthfully didn't know nor did he care. She was a fucking middle schooler, she could take care of herself.

But Neil didn't like that answer.

Billy rubbed his cheek, grunting at the fiery pain. He sighed and pushed open his car door, walking up to the Wheeler's front door. 

He rang the doorbell, waiting for answer to no result. He frowned and wrung it again and again, until a women shouted from behind the door.

"Hold on, please!"

Billy sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets, preparing to put on his charm if needed.

The door swung open, a women with curly hair and nothing but a bathrobe on, answering. 

Breathless~Stranger ThingsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt