chapter one✔︎

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The morning was crisp and cold, chilling Joey to the bone. Frost covered the once green grass, glistening in the sunlight. Trees shook with the cool late fall breeze, loose leaves falling to the ground in an abundance of colors. Most mornings in Hawkins were like this. Beautiful scenery masking the true temperature.

Joey Dare hated this weather and the cold, but not fall. Fall was beautiful with the changing leaves and beautiful sunsets. But Hawkins mornings were fucking freezing

"Jeez, could it get any colder?" Joey complained, tugging his sweater closer to his body. In all honesty, him being cold was completely his fault. Joey had at least two warm jackets, both of which he decided not to wear today despite the weather.

"It's actually quite nice. You're just skinny." Joey glared at his brother. Daniel smiled smugly, rocking back and forth on his heels. "And an idiot."

Joey mumbled out a faint 'fuck you Danny', his teeth chattering. "Wh-where i-is she?"

Daniel shrugged.

A few minutes passed, the two standing in silence listening to the wind and the last birds left in Hawkins before they all migrated for the winter.

Hawkins, Indiana was known for its unusual weather and wildlife. Well, it was to the occupants of the town, at least. Indiana itself was recognized for its strongly marked seasons. Burning hot summers followed by freezing cold winters and, of course, the occasional tornado. Hawkins, however, had record breaking snow falls and heat waves. Not to mention the usual thunderstorms, tornados, and crop circles.

A loud honk cut the silence, followed by a familiar voice.

"Get in bitches!"

Joey grinned at the voice and grabbed his bag. He walked with Daniel to the yellow Volkswagen Beetle.

Opening the door, his face dropped and he furrowed his eyebrows at the girl.

"Where were you? I can't feel my fingers."

March gave him a fake pout, "Poor baby."

The older boy shook his head in a defeated manner and moved his seat forward letting Daniel into the small backseat.

"I don't understand why I have to get in the back. I hate it, it's to small." Daniel whined, falling into the seat.

Joey ignored him, putting the seat back and strapped himself in. "But seriously, what took you so long this morning?" Joey questioned, holding his hands up to the warm air vent.

March sighed and started to drive again. "My alarm clock didn't go off this morning and I almost burnt my house down while making my pop tart. You know, the usual." Joey nodded at his best friend believing her story. It happened often. 

"How'd your morning go?" March asked. Joey shrugged and leaned forward to change the channel, deciding on leaving it on low after not finding anything worthy to listen to. 

"Same as you, the usual. Danny was awake and ready before me, being the responsible kid he is. My mom was already gone by the time we woke up." Joey's mother had begun to submerge herself in her work ever since his father's death last year. The recent changes not only made Joey have fall into the role as man of the house but have to fill the spot his mother left as well.

Joey dropped his voice. "It's hard, ya know? I have no idea what I'm gonna do when I go to collage next year. I can't exactly bring Daniel with me." Joey looked back at Daniel who was submerged in one of his journals. March laid a hand on Joey's shoulder, rubbing it gently. 

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