twenty - two | siren

Start from the beginning

"For an hour?"Harry asked.

"Most likely."

"Most likely?"Both Artemis and Harry asked.

"Well, there is some debate among herbologists as to the effects of freshwater versus saltwater."

"You're telling me this now? You must be joking,"Harry grumbled.

"I just wanted to help,"Neville told them.

"You did, thank you."Artemis assured him.

"Well, that makes you sight better than Ron and Hermione. Where are they anyway?"Harry questioned.

"I have no clue. She was gone by the time I woke up,"Artemis said.

"You seem a little tense, Harry,"Neville pointed out.

"Do I?"Harry retorted as they made their way to the platform.

Over the loud speaker, Artemis could hear Dumbledore's voice echo over the crowds.

"Welcome to the second task. Last night something was stolen from each of our champions. A treasure of sorts. These four treasures, one for each champion, now lie on the bottom of the black lake. In order to win each champion need only find their treasure and return to the surface. Simple enough. Except for this, they will have one hour to do so and one hour only. After that they'll be on their own."

"Put that in your mouth,"Artemis told him, and Harry followed his instruction. But then, Harry started to choke.

"You may begin at the start of the cannon."

The cannon fired and the three other champions dived into the water. Harry had not dived so Artemis went ahead and pushed him in.

"What's the matter with him?"Seamus asked from behind her. It was right then that George wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"I don't know, I can't see him,"Fred said as he tried to peer into the water.

"Oh my god, I've killed Harry Potter!"Neville exclaimed. Yet, Harry ended up flying from the water like a dolphin and everyone cheered.

Artemis was staring at the water as George linked their hands together."He'll be okay."

"He's going to drown..."Artemis frowned.

"The Beauxbatons champion, Miss Delacour, has unfortunately been forced to retire. She will take no further part in this task,"Dumbledore announced just as Cedric emerged from the water with Cho in her arms.

Viktor Krum came next with Hermione. The crowd exploded with chants of his name. Artemis didn't even hesitate to go towards the couple.

"Oh Merlin,"Artemis murmured as she wrapped a towel around Hermione,"I was wondering where you were. I was not expecting the black lake to be the answer."

Hermione just laughed softly,"Did Harry-"

"We figured it out,"Artemis assured her before turning to Viktor."Good job, Vik."

"Thank you,"Viktor replied.

Ron and a small girl come up from the water, coughing as they grabbed onto the platform. Artemis and a girl from Beauxbatons helped them out of the water. Once Artemis was sure they were safe, she stood up to glance down at the water. Harry bursted through the water and lands on the deck where the crowd was. Artemis breathed out a sigh of relief. All of her friends were safe.

Dumbledore called for all the judges as Fleur rushed over to Harry and Ron. Artemis stood behind them with a warm arm around Hermione.

"You saved her, even though she wasn't yours to save. My little sister!"Fleur praised, kissing Harry's cheek."Thank you! And you... "Fleur turned to Ron,"You helped." She kissed him too.

"Merci,"Ron murmured.

"Are you alright? You must be freezing! Personally I think you behaved admirably,"Hermione told Harry, wrapping a towel around him.

"I finished last, Hermione."

"Next to last,"Artemis corrected.

"Attention! Attention! The winner is...Mister Diggory!" Dumbledore announced. Cedric and the rest of his friends cheered loudly. "For showing unique command of the bubblehead shark. The way I see it, Mister Potter would have finished first had it not been for his determination to rescue not only Mister Weasley, but the others as well. We've agreed to award him second place! For outstanding moral fibre."

Artemis and the rest of the Gryffindors erupted with cheers, and she threw her arms around Harry.

"My god, you are warm,"Harry commented, holding on to her tightly. She didn't let go of him for awhile to let him warm up, even if it meant her clothes were now wet.


Artemis had somehow found her way to George Weasley' dorm after the second task. Harry had practically passed out once he got back to the common room, and Art decided to spend time with her boyfriend.

"My shirt is so wet,"Artemis chuckled as they had gotten to the dorm.

"You can borrow one of mine,"George offered, digging into one of his drawers to retrieve one of his sweaters with a golden 'G' stitched into it. Artemis did really love the soft fabric of sweaters that his mother made for them.

"Turn around, perv,"Artemis joked, making George roll his eyes. Thank Merlin, none of his roommates were back up here. Most people had gone to the Great Hall or we're celebrating in the Common Room. As George turned around, Artemis slipped out of her shirt and into the sweater. Once she had changed, she went over to George and hugged him from behind. It made George grin uncontrollably.

George turned around,"Why do you look better in my shirt than me?"

"'Cause I'm far prettier than you."

"Well, there is no denying that,"George whispered, leaning down to nudge his nose against her. He connected their lips. Artemis slung her arms around George's neck, her body now pressed against the taller boy. He gripped her waist, leading her towards his bed. They stumbled over their feet, causing Artemis to fall back on the bed. George laughed as he hovered over her.

"You are clumsy, you know,"Artemis breathed out with a smile.

"What can I say? I'm always falling for you."

"That...was terrible,"Artemis laughed as George kissed her jaw.

"Whatever, you adore me."

"You always say that."

"It's just the truth,"George whispered, peppering kisses until he reached her lips."No, shut up and let me kiss you."

"You horny tosser-"

George just cut her off with another kiss, and Artemis didn't mind. She had no plans whatsoever, and it was night like this that she looked forward to. The night where she could just love.

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