Chapter 26

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Harry saw Hermione exit the common room. It is unusual for her to leave like that without saying something.
He takes the Potions Book and went into Slughorn's class.
He is so happy that he has a little help this year. Hermione is against it, but he knows that she's just annoyed that he's better at Potions than her this year.
Hermione walked into the classroom with puffy eyes. Harry could tell that something was wrong with her.
Hermione just dreamt what would have been like if, in the past year, she would have been in a relationship with the greatest Harry Potter. She is disturbed by it, but she can't lie that she didn't like the dream.
Harry can't take his eyes off her. She looks so cute with her hair messy. Harry went closer to her and let her have a look at his Potions book.
"Harry, this is not fair." she whispered to him.
He smiled and insisted that she should take a single look on the page, and she finally accepted it.
Hermione could not believe that one student can figure out that their books are wrong written.
After the class, Harry decided to ask her what happened, but Ron was quite anxious about the new Quidditch match that they have today.
He ran down the stairs along with Ron to get ready for the match.
"Ron, for the last time, you will be fine." Harry reassured him.
Ron nodded. He was very scared for some reason.  He thought that Malfoy would jinx his broom.
"Malfoy won't hurt you, Ron, he quit Quidditch." Ginny tried to calm her brother down.
" Because he is a death eater." Harry whispered to them.
"Leave him alone, Harry." Ginny said.
They all went into the field.  They have a much against Ravenclaw. They have new players from other houses. Cho, Harry's first crush, was their new captain. 
Now, he is the captain and feels a need to win.
After the match
"Gryffindor wins!!" They heard Luna Lovegood, the new Quidditch commentator. She looks so happy that Gryffindor won the match as if she was a Gryffindor herself.
Now, Harry's main problem is Hermione. He wants to know what happened to her this morning.
He saw her reading and went to her.
"What happened this morning?" Harry asked.
"Well, hello to you Harry, how are you?" she said smiling.
" I am fine, why we're you crying this morning?" he asked again.
" Is had a nightmare, Harry. Now, I am fine. " she replied.
Harry was relieved that she was fine and not hurt. He couldn't live with himself if something happens so his Hermione, well almost his.
She would never be his, she is her own person, but he would like to call her his girlfriend, but he is too afraid to tell her.

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