Chapter 2

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Harry's point of view
Hermione is my best friend. I like being near her and we have fun together. This summer break was the best. The Quidditch championship was amazing and my feelings for Hermione grew bigger.
Now, I was chosen for the Goblet of fire. I don't know how I was chosen to do this. I am only 14.
Of course, Ron didn't believe me and we kinda had an argument. Hermione is spending more time with him. It's fine, I know that she fancies him and I can't stay in the way of it.
It hurts to be all alone, but I am used to it. Everyone is giving me strange looks, and I think they hate me.
I am worried about the first task, though. I have to fight a dragon.
Now, I really need my friends. I need someone to talk to. I am walking into the Great Hall to have breakfast. They all stopped eating and they are all staring at me.

" Ladies and gentlemen, here he comes, the Great Harry Potter" he made a bow.
I decided to ignore him and to mind my business. I see Hermione in front of me. She is sitting next to Ron.

" Hello friends." I greeted them. They didn't respond. Hermione gave me a small smile, but that was all.

After breakfast, I took my broom to clear my mind out of it. I told Snape that I have a headache so he could let me miss his class. 
I know that this might upset Hermione, but I just couldn't attend class. Everyone here hates me and they are mocking me. I just want to be happy too.
I rose in the air with my broom. I feel the cold October air through my hair. I feel so bad. I feel hopeless. I landed after a few minutes and I went to the next class. I can't skip all day because I am feeling sad.
I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see that it was Hermione.
" Oh, hello Hermione, I didn't see you there."
" Are you okay? You seem upset." she is so worried about me. I want to tell her about everything that is going on.
" I am not okay." I can feel my voice cracking.
Luckily, the teacher came in and somehow I managed to get my mind out of it.

After classes, I went into Gryffindor's common room. I sat down on a couch and I took a book about Quidditch.
Hermione came in. She took the book and she places it slowly on the table.
"Hermione, I was reading. . ."
"  Yeah, yeah, now that we are alone, you can tell me why are you upset about it."
" It's hard, Hermione. I just don't know how I will be able to survive this."
" I will help you, don't worry. Is that all?" she asked knowing that I can't lie to her.
" No, I just felt so alone these days, I think that everyone hates me, including you, Dumbledore and all the others. I " tears were streaming down my cheeks.
" Harry, I don't hate you. Dumbledore clearly loves you and he doesn't want you to get hurt, sweetie. The others are clearly jealous of you. You got chosen for something important. But you'll see that they will forget about it when you will win." Hermione hugged me.
I feel so relieved that I talked to someone about this and I am glad that it was Hermione.

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