the unknown

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It was as if it was just being made, the fresh pieces of human flesh ripped off the limbs, piece by piece. The slapping of the leather-like skin echoed against what Blair thought was someone similar, a small child, to be exact. She tried to struggle free from her suffocating bed covers to help the supposedly abused child, but what she was about to see was about to witness would send alarming chills down her spine. As always, the only thing with free movement was her eyes, and just as she peeks over to try and catch a glimpse of what was going on, the pigment in her skin fades. Was that really him? Before she could even say anything, the man turned around and his ghoulish black eyes shot into her soul, like a balloon popping from a needle.

Now that he was out of the way from the child, she could finally see if it was who she was dreading it to be. Her brother's bloody marks across his face were now in view, but why wasn't he crying? He unfortunately disturbed their parents by his constant whining, but at 1 years old, what do you expect? The boy gave an innocent smile back to Blair's horrified look at his calmness, maybe the man did something to him which stopped him from being so upset?

The man started shuffling towards the bed, and after a bit, he started to quicken his pace so much that he was starting to get short of breath. Why was he in such a rush? Was there something he needed off Blair? Since this face was so familiar, she wasn't as fazed as she would have been if it was an unknown, which is what most of her sleep paralysis consists of. Sweating from the uneasiness of this man suddenly running towards her, she manages to murmur out "Who are you?" He looked at her with excitement, "Well you know who I am-" the smirk on his face only grew more until he couldn't have possibly been able to hold it in for so long, "your lovely friend Ed Gein".

Blair was taken aback. She knew that what he had done was so extraordinary in the most amazing yet so horrifically gruesome criminal acts of all time, and now she was meeting him in real life. The media based off of his cases didn't sum up how nice Ed really was, he sounded so genuine, and although he was old enough to gain wrinkles he had a pretty smile. She was immediately intrigued in what he was doing here, and why he came to Blair out of everyone else he knew? And how did he even know her when she was born years after his death? He was questioned by a very eager enthusiast for gore. Most of these questions he answered ever so freely, it was as if he was put back in trial for his murders. "Who was Bernice Worden?" he stopped. The silence between them had grown from seconds to minutes, she could feel the tensions between them start to rise, and the awkwardness is finally broken, "Look, I understand that you're really interested in this stuff, but that's my business." Blair knew that he didn't want to talk about her because that's what got him into psychiatric institution, after found guilty over Bernice's murder. She could see the 22 -calliber rifle in his pocket, the very same one he used on her.

Before she could ask why Ed wasn't answering, she was choking for air whilst being strangled with the very same belt made from her younger brother's skin. He buckled it so tight the prong was digging into her throat, and at this point her skinned baby brother was watching in awe. Her face started to discolour, the man watching her in accomplishment, but why was he doing this to her? Was this even the real Edward Gein- he did die on the 26th July 1984 and it's only been a few years prior. Blair hadn't found anything about his ghost haunting anyone, not that she felt scared or anything. It was just unexpected to suddenly be choking to death (or so she thought) by the human flesh of someone so close to you.

She could feel the prong being slowly unbuckled from the belt, creating an even bigger wound in her throat. Her jugular vein was punctured as she tried to stop the bleeding with her hand. He continued to abuse her with the end of the belt, ripping the thin layers of her skin one by one. Blood was trickling down from her face and limbs whilst groaning in agony.

But then it stopped.

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