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Shawn and I sit on the couch and watch T.V. We try not to bring up what happened last night. "So, you hungry?" Shawn asks me.


"You wanna go for a walk."

"I'm good."

"Wanna throw rocks at squirrels?"

"Why would I want to do that?"

"I don't know...just talk to me." He turns to me and puts my legs on his lap. "Why did you kiss me Shawn? I didn't think you were attracted to me at all." I finally say.

"Why did you let me?"

"Because I," I pause. "You like me." He finishes for me. "I guess...I mean, Its complicated."

"How complicated, you wanted to play tongue tag, so," He smiles. "This isn't funny." I say.

"Vaya please...just tell me how you feel."

"Shawn you're hot,not even hot you're beyond sexy. Shawn I really like you and sometimes you make me want to rip all your clothes off and kiss you everywhere." I finally breathe and put my hand on my head. Shawn stared at me with a smirk on his face. "Okay, I didn't need to know I made you feel that way...but, I'm glad I make you feel that way." He smiles.

"How do I make you feel?" I sit up and cross my legs. "You make me feel like the luckiest guy ever. Your eyes make me melt, and you can make me crazy nervous when you want to talk about dating people. When you walk in a room...we're the only two there."

I smile at him. "I really like you Vaya." He says.

"I really like you too."

"Can we work this out?"

"I don't know." I pull him closer to me. "Lets find out." I say. He presses his lips against mine, and lays me backward on the couch. We made out for a while. I will be honest, it was weird making out with him but at least he didn't take it too far. Later we lay in bed and watch a movie. It was nice, to have someone. I mean for years I had nothing. Now, Shawn. It's nice. "You're thinking about stuff." He says.

"How did you know?"

"A hunch."

"I'm thinking about not being alone anymore."

"I don't think you were ever alone really."

"What do you mean?"

"Religion?" I smile and look at him.

"Christian." I smile.


He pauses the movie and looks at me. "You were never alone, because God was always there with you. God led you to me. He will lead you to your parents. No matter where we'll be in the won't be alone." He smiles. I love this guy. He un pauses the movie and I fall asleep.

Shawn went to school the next day. I decide to look for my parents. I didn't really know where to start. So I search up my last name. Nothing.

Maybe I can look up my mom's first name. I mean I know it already. I type in the name Mia Sullivan. A picture of a beautiful woman standing next to a man. She was white and the man was black. I'm mixed? Niiiice! I smile. I love seeing what they look like. My mom is so beautiful. I read about where she works, and I even find some stuff on my dad. But, the downside to everything...they live out of the country. Like across the ocean type. "Beijing? Really?" I see a little girl in another picture. Her name was Kira, she was really pretty, and looked like me...sort of. But, how could they give me up just to have another baby? Kira and I looked about eight years apart. Eight I close Shawn's laptop when I hear keys mingling in the door. "Hey, I'm just." I hear a girl's voice. She walks in with a kind of surprised look on her face. "Hi, I'm Vaya." I say standing. "Hi, um...where's Shawn?" She asks.

"Oh, he is at you are?"

"Mackenzie should I put this,"

"Don't worry about it." I say. This is awkward. "I just came for my bag if that's okay with you." She says. "Oh yeah, it's totally fine, I mean there yours." I say awkwardly rubbing the back if my neck. Once she has her bags she stops at the door. "So, did he screw you yet?"/She asks not facing me. "Excuse me?"

"Watch out for Shawn...He may look and sound innocent...but he has a history...just saying." Then she walks out the door. Okay, what the hell? Was that supposed to scare me? I guess that's what ex's do. But, what did she mean? What history? I have too much to think about. I get back on the computer and look at more stuff about my family.

Sorry it's so short really sleepy but next Chapter coming soon!
What kind of history does Shawn have?

Will Vaya run into Mackenzie again?

Will Vaya get in touch with her parents?

Are things going to get serious with Shawn and Vaya?

You will find out in the next Chapter "Burned Bridges"

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