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'Ugh, my bed is so comfy. I don't ever wanna get up, I just wanna live the rest of my life as a burrito~. A happy, warm burrito.'

"-isa... Ari-.... -ammit.... ARISA! GET YOUR TINY ASS UP!!!"

"HOLY SHITAKE MUSHROOMS WITH A SIDE OF JELLY!!!!" I screamed as I was thrown onto my floor, still trapped in my blanket burrito. I was annoyed and confused as to why I was so rudely thrown onto the floor. 'The kids aren't here this weekend, so why in the hell am I awake right now.' I slowly looked up from my spot on the floor to find the culprit for my current misery, "Oh, hey! Sugar-chan, whatchu doin' here so fabulously early in the morning?" I asked with a lazy smile as I continued to lay on the floor in my burrito.

"Well for starters, it's 1:30 pm. And secondly, you said you were gonna come watch the Junior High tournaments with Daichi, Tanaka, and I." He stated with a slightly annoyed look on his face.

'Junior High Tournament? When and why in the hell did I agree to that?? Oh wait, I remember now.'

Yesterday after practice

' Goddamn, Daichi you ruthless bastard! I can barely feel my legs, I still have to go to U19 practice too!'

"Hey  Nana?" Daichi asked as I was trying to stretch out the soreness in my legs.

"Yeah, what's up?" I asked as I was focussing on a particularly sore part of my calf. As I was waiting for his response I got a charlie horse and blanked out, completely missing his question.

"So? Is it a yes or no?" Daichi asked as I finally zoned back in once the pain faded. 'Shit, what did he say?? Idk, just don't say something stupid....'

"Uh... Yes?" I said with a questionable smile.

"Great! See you then!" He said with a smile as he went to go talk to Asahi.

"I done fucked up."

End of flashback

"Ahaha... yeaaahhh. I totally knew about this..."

"Just get dressed you moron." Suga sighed as he went to go get me something to eat before we leave. As he left I heard him snicker a little as I hit my head on my nightstand while struggling to get out of my heavenly blanket burrito. Once I finally freed myself I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and do my other business, as I walked into my bathroom I got a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I quickly turned and rushed back to the mirror, "HOW IN THE HELL IS MY HAIR STANDING UP LIKE THAT?!?! I LOOK LIKE A DISCOUNT GOKU!!!" I yelled as I tried to pat it back down, only for it to spring back up. As I decided to just get in the shower in hopes of it flattening I heard three voices cackling in my living room. 'Shit, I didn't know the others were also here. Welp, that's gonna be embarrassing.' 

Slight Timeskip to after Arisa is done getting ready

After I finally got my hair to it usual slightly messy state, I started to head downstairs. I had put on a pair of black sweatpants, a white T-shirt, and my team jacket, with socks of course.

"What's up 'Discount Goku'?" Tanaka asked with an amused grin on his face.

"Your cheekiness levels apparently." I said as I took the rice ball Suga offered me.

"Alright, now that you've decided to re-enter the land of the living, let's hit the road. We'll miss the first matches if we don't hurry." Daichi said with a slight chuckle as I tried to glare at Tanaka but failing to look menacing with my cheeks stuffed with rice.

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