"On this next contraction I need you to Push Elena." I instruct.

She nodded her head before she lets out a loud scream and pushes. The baby head started to show.

"Good! Good a few more pushes Elena."

She kept pushing and I tried my best to guide her.

Finally the baby comes sliding out of her and I catch it.

"Scissors and make sure they're clean." I tell Bella.

She rushed out the room and comes back with a pair scissors. I cut the cord and stick my finger in the babies mouth to get all the junk out of it. It cries and I sigh in relief.

"It's a girl." I tell Elena.

"Let me hold her." She say weakly.

I hand the baby over to her and she looks down at her with a weak smile and says.

"Hi little Sienna."

I smile at the name and then I notice Elena's eyes start to droop. I look in-between her legs to see that she's still bleeding.

"Shit." I say before I rush over to the phone.

"What are you doing?" Bella ask.

"We have to call she's loosing to much blood her and the baby needs medical care."

I dial the number that was written on a piece of paper by the phone. It rings for about three seconds before someone pics up.


Armani's voice surprised me I haven't heard it in so long and it was like music to my ears.


"Amalia I told you that you can only use this number for emergencies." Armani said cutting me off.

"It is an emergency. Elena just went into labor and gave birth but she's loosing too much blood we need to get her to an hospital."

Armani sighed heavily "Shit, keep her warm. I'm on my way." he hung up.

I rushed over to Elena.

"Run a warm bath for her." I tell Bella and she rushes to do so.

I lift Elena's head so that she is staring at me "Look me at Elena. Hang in there help is on the way."

She nodded her head weakly. When Bell returned I handed Sienna over to her and Helped Elena out of the bed and we walked over to the bathroom. I helped her out of her clothes and carefully step into the bath.

"Bella you can wash the baby in the sink and wrap her up in a warm blanket. I'll take care of Elena."

Bella nods her head before leaving the room and I look back at Elena who is crying silently.

"I'm going to die." She said weakly.

I shook my head "I'm not going to let that happen. I promise you."

She nodded her head and I finished washing her up. She got out the bath and was feeling a little bit better. I wrapped her in the towel.

"I think it's best for you to wear a dress. I said as I handed her a sunflower dress. She slipped into it slowly but she got it on.

By the time she was done Bella had returned with the baby freshly washed in snuggled up in a yellow blanket.

"She has such beautiful eyes." Bella said as she handed Sienna over to her.

She did. One eye  was brown and the other was green.  We were all staring down at her and cooing making a baby noises and faces when suddenly there was a knock on the front door which we were never allowed to open.

I rushed over to it and open it excitedly but all my excitement  left once I realized it was just Leo.

"Where's Armani?" I asked a little disappointed.

"He couldn't come. Too many people would follow him to this location. I don't have much time so we need to hurry." He explained.

I helped Elena into the car along with the body. This was my first time being outside in months and there was nothing but miles and miles of dust and sand.

"Where are we?" I asked Leo.

"I can't tell you Amalia and you know that. I don't need you trying to escape." He climbed into car. "Get back in the house and watch over Bella. I'll return Elena when she's better and you....just please stay out of trouble."

I bit back the tears. "Tell Armani I miss him."

Leo eyes were full of sadness. "He misses you too." and then he drove off.


Baby Sienna is born!!! Any predictions on what will happen next? A lot of you guys were rushing me for this update and I love you all but damnnnnnn. Anyways don't forget to vote, comment, follow, and share. Until next time my lovelies!!

His Regina|✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant