Afterall, Jin is Jisoo's  fiance right?

"So, Jisoo is the bride and Jin is the groom and the others that is Rose, Jennie and Lisa are bridesmaid right?", I clarified.

"Yes!!!", Lisa said.

"Ok so I will start doing it today", I said.

"But measurements come first", I said as I stood up from the couch.

That was when Rosie entered with some snacks and cold drinks.

"Good timing Rosie, come take their measurements, I need to call someone", I said as I instructed her towards them.

I took my phone as I said, "Excuse me...". And I left the room.

I dialled Melanie.

( Melanie's speech will be in bold)


Hi, Melanie...I was asking that do we really need to go that party tonight?

Yeah! You should. I mean we have to. Our reputation will get affected if we don't.

But don't worry, it's just a small party. You just have to meet some people more like important personalities and then leave...

Is that that easy like it sounds?

That we will have to see. Don't we?

I am just a little nervous...

Oh don't be darling! I will be with you there.


Ah is baby better?

Ah! I am not a lesbian. Please. I repeat I am not!

Plus okay I will go come pick me up at 7 Tonight!

Hangs up

Ah! Seems like I have to go there. No choice. You know why I am nervous? I will tell you the reason! BTS are gonna be there too!!!


I sharply turned back at the familiar bitter sweet voice.

"Jennie...", I started off.

"Baby sis... I ... I am sorry... I am sorry for what I have done. I didn't mean to... Break your trust like this... Please forgive me...", She pleaded me with puppy eyes.

"I ... I have never been angry on you Jennie. Plus, you... You should not say me sorry. It was I who trusted you.", I said.

She held both of my hands. "I really don't know what shall I do for you to forgive me. I am sorry but I ... I ... I love him......", She trailed off.

That was when a tear rolled down my cheek.

"I understand. That was the reason I left you all...", I said.

"I hate to break this to you but... He used to love me from the very start. But... I... I forced him to marry you because I knew you liked him. I didn't want to hurt you...", She said.

"So you took me for granted then? You thought you marrying him would hurt me but him cheating on me after being married won't?", I asked. Fat tears were rolling down my eyes but I still managed to hold my voice from breaking.

"I am sorry I was the third wheel in between your relationship", she said as she started crying.

"More like it was me. Wasn't it?", She fell on her knees as she continued crying.

"Why are you even crying?", I said now annoyed. My tears had already dried up on my cheeks.

"I am such a bad sister...", She was now bawling enough for the sound to echo in the whole house.

"...", I was speechless. Was she trying to gain attention?

Soon enough Rosie along with BTS and Lisa, Rose and Jisoo came out to see what was happening.

I stared at them dumbfounded.

"Please forgive me... Baby sis... It was not my intention", he was crying out too loud that my ears were hurting.

She was pulling her hair in the process.

"Jennie... Are you fine?", Tae came as he wrapped his arms around her. She was crying on his chest.

He looked over at me in a sharp gaze. I swear it hurt me. He misunderstood me.

But it was only left to happen! People, when do not have teh right context jump into wrong conclusions.

So I was right! I am the third wheel!!

To be continued...

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