Dreadful Night

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One family. Two vampire deaths. Three children. Four hunter losses.

The fire had to be started on the Salvatore mansion when they didn't go out for a night hunting. The father in the basement doing a bit of night training while the mother tucking in her youngest child. Even though the vampire didn't need a lot of sleep, she liked tucking her children into bed.

4 people had snuck into the mansion with lighters. The father had smelt the introducers and sneakily moved to find these people. Unfortunately, the people were clever enough to start a fire to the opening of the basement. So when the father tried to escape, the fire had already descended down the stairs. Even with his speed, he would get burned but he had to save his family. So he gathered his strength and zoomed through the fire. Tried his best to fight off unwanted visitors.

The mother had finished saying goodnight to her eldest child when she smelt the smoke and saw the shadow of the rising flames. Her motherly instincts kicked in and rushed back into her eldest child. Lucky, they too had smelt the smoke. The mother told them to go gather the other two siblings and get out while she would go help the father.

The eldest went into each room of the siblings, woke them up and got them something to put over the top of their nightclothes. The smoke was getting stronger, so the eldest took them both in their arms and crushed through a window from the first-floor bedroom.

They landed on the ground safely, the middle child told them that they would be able to walk on their own. So the eldest bundled the youngest into their arms with their head not facing the house. They moved towards the tree line near to their house. They both watched, with the eldest keep the youngest eyes away from the burning house.

They thought that their parents would survive a fire but with wood flooring and wood doors, it was spreading fast. They saw the fire had got to the first floor and engulfed the ground. They stayed until the fire had spread all through the house. The eldest knew nobody would care if the house was burning, they heard people talking about how they hated their kind.

They trudged through the forest to find somewhere safe to settle until they formed a plan of where to go. The middle child found a little cave that had enough room for the 3 of them to hide from the night creatures that walk in the night.

Unknown to the siblings, their father had sent a call out in his final moments of life to Lucifer. He hopes that he will take the children in until they can move on.

Now Lucifer was King of the vampire and the Salvatore family were the next power family in their world. So he took off to their house to find it in flames. He concentrated hard to feel any life but sadly he didn't. He had to find the siblings before the werewolves do because they might use them against their own kind. He looked around the outside of the house to see if they had pushed their children out of the window.

He wandered around and spotted an opened window from a bedroom on the first floor. Bingo. He then looked into the tree line and imagined where they would have gone. Using his speed, he sped off into the trees. He used his enhanced feelings to see if he could feel life.

Both of the younger siblings had fallen asleep while the eldest kept guard. They had the responsibility of looking after the others. They could hear a bit away from the cave and found the sound of footprints running in their direction. This put them on more alert.

Lucifer felt life in the direction he was going. He soon found a small cave where life was coming from. He carefully looked into the cave and found 3 children. He saw that two were asleep while the third was staring at him. The only question Lucifer asked was if they were the Salvatore children. The eldest nodded his head, so he came more into the cave, scooped up the middle child and told the eldest to take the youngest.

They walked back to the house, where it was still in flames, to the car he had brought because he knew that they wouldn't be able to keep up with him and also that it was dangerous for them to be in the dark even though they were vampires.

He drove them a few hours away from their house to his castle that was isolated from any other priorities and people. Here he would watch and teach the siblings what he knows while he would get people to reconstruct their own house of where it stands.

The siblings grew up to be fine vampires and once the youngest was 18, the middle was 21 and the eldest was 25, he finally let them back to their home. He managed to rebuild the house to the best of his ability. He made sure that it was safe and secure so that the same fate would not happen to the siblings. They lived peacefully enough until they caught a whiff of vamps and wolves were going missing.

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