Chapter 8 - Discovery

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"Oh shit," I say out loud as I realize that I have to decide what to wear. This is our first official meeting so I have to leave an impression. Especially since he only knows me in my Red Velvet Apron. Oh and the red dress I wore at the karaoke.

A red sweatshirt tucked in a grey plaided short tight skirt, stockings in my skin complexion and red high heeled boots. And since it's autumn, of course, also my black coat. I just hope that I won't be overdressed or underdressed.

I really want this to go well especially since the whole scene yesterday. It the first time that we actually meet up and really get to talk to each other and.. I don't know but I kinda am hoping that this isn't a one time thing. Hold up. What am I even going to talk about? What if he thinks I'm boring? What if this is an actual date? I've never really had an official date and I've never had an official boyfriend so what if I mess up? Maybe my feelings are one sided...

My phone buzzes as I desperately look in the mirror at the mess that apparently is my reflection. I glance over and it's from Kaiba.


From: Seto Kaiba

Subj.: Brunch

Date: 13.10.2019, 09:07

To: Ariana Knight

Dear Ariana,

I'll have to postpone our brunch. My
apologies for informing you this late
but something came up last minute.

Wow. He cancelled. I hate to feel this way but I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed. I dressed up and was looking forward to it... for nothing.


From: Ariana Knight

Subj.: No biggie

Hey, don't worry. See you at work
next week :)

Great, now what? Since I'm already dressed I could probably hang out with the G- oh wait, right, I messed up. Well, I guess I'll just have to be on my own today. I could check up on my mom.

I get out of my clothes and back into my pyjamas. I sigh as I put my clothes back into the cupboard. I walk over to the kitchen and make myself tea before calling my mother.


"Hi, mom, it's your favorite daughter"

"Hi baby, how are you?" she yawns

"Oh my god wait mom it's like 3 in the morning in Germany, right? I am so sorry I totally forgot the time difference when I was calling. I'll call you back later-"

"No, don't worry! I was actually watching a movie with Thomas so its fine."

"Oh, tell Thomas I said hi"

"He can hear you, I put you on speaker"

"Hi Dad, I miss you"

"I miss you too, princess," I can hear his voice in the background.

I continue to talk for about an half hour with my mom while my step dad chimes in every now and then. He is really the best dad I could imagine. Sure, he is the only dad-figure I've had but that still doesn't change my statement. He and my mom got together when I was about 4 years old and I think he moved in when I was around 5. In the beginning I really hated him. Not that I really remember hating him but that's what my parents told me. Apparently I would always get super jealous when he spent time with my mom or when they kissed. I used to scream "stop touching my mommy" apparently every time he put his arm around her when we watched a movie or something. My mom told me that Thomas would get super nervous to be alone with me since he was also only like 26 at the time. I was a really bratty kindergarten in his defence. However my mom made him spend time with me since she said that I just needed to get used to having a male person in my life and eventually I did. And ever since Thomas got me that one mermaid barbie which could change its hair when it was wet, I loved him. Looking back he did a great job raising me even though I am not his biological daughter. He was just a 26 year who fell in love with a 24 year old who then turned out to have a bratty little daughter. And instead of running away like the guy who was supposed to be my dad, he took care of me and my mom. I mean sure my biological father and my mom were 20 when she got pregnant with me and I get that most people aren't ready at that age but neither was my mom but she didn't run away. As if it's not difficult enough to raise a child, she had to do so alone because her shitty boyfriend at the time just didn't feel like dealing with the problem he was equally at fault for. But I am glad that he left because otherwise my mom wouldn't have met Thomas.

"Ok thats enough deep thoughts for now," Ii say out loud as I jump out of bed and get my little speaker from the table to put on some music to heighten the mood.

Wannabe by the Spice Girls starts playing. I turn the volume up and sing along as I start cleaning my apartment a bit. It may be tiny but it sure has a lot of stuff. Usually tidying my room was something I used to hate but now that I've moved here it's like therapy sometimes. When I'm upset it helps to have a clean environment.

"If you wannabe my lover, you gotta get with my friends" Crap I totally forgot about my friends. I need to come clean and apologize. speaking of my friends here... I wonder how my friends back in Germany are doing? Since moving I don't really hear from them anymore and vice versa. I get it. Thats Life. Some friends don't last forever and especially not when there are thousands of kilometers between you and a time difference.

I write a quick update on my life here in Japan and send it into the group chat. They are probably still sleeping so I don't expect a response and put the phone away and continue to dance while cleaning. There should be a word for dancing while cleaning that now that I think of it.

Speaking of music, I wonder where I put my guitar tuner. It's been so long since I've moved here and I still haven't found it and I can't really play my guitar without it. It's been in the corner collecting dust for all this time. Maybe I should try downloading an app.

While downloading I notice the date. It's already the 13th October. It's been only one and a half months since moving here and I am already involved in drama and have a crush on someone. Maybe things really are moving way to fast. With Uni, work, internship and friends I don't know if going into a relationship is the best idea right now. Especially with someone like Seto Kaiba. He is a busy and very important man and I don't know if I can deal with that. Maybe I'm thinking this because I'm a bitter that he cancelled last minute but what if thats a sign? What did Duke say again before leaving? Something with 'crashing at that speed'. Although I dismissed it at that moment I have to say that he is probably right. I need to set clear boundaries with Kaiba.

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