Start from the beginning

Seeing as Harley hadn't had a lot of time to hang with Midge, she invited the Klump girl over to get ready. Midge wasn't going to the retirement party, but was more then happy to help Harley get ready. The Byers girl was feeling particularly remorseful for abondoning her best friend to chase after a killer with Archie, or join in on serpent shenanigans with Jughead. It was about time she showed her friend some appreciation and love.

Sprawled across Harley's bed, Midge was reading a random fashion magazine she had found on the floor. No surprised, the Klump girl was still dating Moose, and she was still complaining about it. Harley had given up, simply resorting to nods of agreement to whatever she had to say about the boy. "Ew, who would even want to look like that." Midge scrunched her nose up in disgust, showing a halfdressed Harley the picture she was referring to.

Harley let out a snicker. "It kinda looks like a shower curtain if you think about it." Midge laughed along.

"Kind of!? I'd be surprised if it wasn't!" Midge exclaimed, flinging the magazine back to the floor. Harley chuckled and started rummaging trough her closet for something appropriate to wear. What did one wear to a gang retirement party for your best friend's father anyway?

"Why does it have to be so hard finding a good outfit." The brunette groaned from inside her closet. Midge shrugged her shoulders, even though Harley couldn't see her. She slipped off of the bed and started rummaging trough the drawers in her room.

"Hey! Where do you stash your nail polish?" She asked, continuing to rummage around. Midge pulled out a drawer, but seeing as it didn't contain what she was looking for, she went to close it. She halted, however. Her brown eyes locked with a red scarf. Midge's eyebrows knitted up into a confused look as she pulled the fabric out of the drawer. She turned around, a brow arched at Harley. "You kept it?"

Harley turned around in confusion, her mouth forming an 'o' when she realized what her friend was talking about. Harley tried her best playing it cool, quickly snatching it out of the Klump girl's grip and stuffing it back into the drawer and slamming it shut.

"It's not like that." She rushed to say. Harley had told Midge about everything the drag race over the phone, excluding the part where she caught a lift with the Serpent for a second time.

"You like him!" Midge concluded. She let out a loud squeal, bouncing on her feet. "You like him, you like him, you like him!" She repeated loudly, practically jumping around in excitement.

"No, no, no, no." Harley rushed out, shaking her head as she denied the claims. Did she admire his attractiveness? Yes, yes she did and she would proudly admit to that. Did she have a crush on him? Absolutely not. She had standards for heavens sake. Standard that were above a now jailed Ghoulie.

"Mhm, sure." Midge giggled at the flustered expression Harley was sporting.

"Ugh, whatever." Harley groaned, pulling two pairs of heels from the closet, showing the scarf from the drag race back into her drawer. "Black or nude?" She questioned, flashing them to Midge.

She pursed her lips, debating it. "Why am I even considering this? Black all the way, no doubt." Harley nodded in agreement.

     "Okay so do you think I should wear this strapless dress," Harley held up a short, strapless white dress "or do you think I should go for this backless one?" Harley asked, holding up a chic backless black dress. Midge pointed at the black one.

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