We entered the room unnoticed.

"No humans, yeah right." Rayla scoffed.

"Let's hope that this is the games room" I said. "Let's look quick!" I said and we both instantly went to work.

After a while I found a medium sized box, and opened it. It was full with keys, and with the keys there was the cube.

"Hey Rayla, look!" I said and turned to Rayla to show her the cube, but as I turned around everything went black, I was knocked out unconscious.

I woke up, I was trying to move my hands, but they were tightly tied together behind my back, I was tied to a wooden pillar. I looked around, and saw Rayla, she was also tied to a wooden pillar next to me. She was looking forward, I followed her gaze and my eyes met with the strawberry haired dude and the sign language lady.

The lady was signing something with her hands and the dude started to translate "how many of you are here?"

"There's only two of us!" Rayla answered whilst struggling to move.

"The princes could be in so much danger. Tell us the truth!" The guy kept on translating, now sounding a lot more angry.

"Calm down, strawberry! We are the only ones here!" I said, kinda annoyed by them.

"We are going to keep an eye on you two, and we are keeping you here untill you tell us the truth" the dude said, and he and the woman left, leaving us both with two guards.

One of them took Raylas weapon and started to try and open it. He couldn't find out how exactly, so the other guard took the weapon from him and tried to open it, he succeeded, almost cutting his finger off.

"Careful with that, bud" I said "wouldn't want to lose a finger" I smirked.

"Imagine living with only four fingers" Rayla added with a smirk.

The guards looked pretty annoyed now, but suddenly we hear the box elevator, and baits grumpy face suddenly appears from it.

I looked at Rayla, we both knew what needed to be done. I nodded my head for her to take the lead.

"Hey, have you met our dear friend bait yet?" Rayla asked, and we both immediately shielded our eyes as a bright light filled the room.

We Looked back up, both of the guards were stumbling, one of them swung his sword at me, I dodged it just in time. The sword got pretty stuck in the wood, the man was trying to get the sword out of the wood, but didn't really succeed at it, I quickly kicked him in the stomach and used the sword in the wood to cut the ropes on my arms.

As I got myself free, I quickly turned to Rayla, I kicked the other guard on the ground, I turned around and quickly took mine and Raylas weapons, I used my sword to quickly free Rayla.

"We need to move!" I said giving Rayla her swords.

Rayla nodded, took bait out of the elevator and we ran as fast as we could.

As we were running outside we met Callum and Ezran. "Let's go!" I yelled to them as we were running, motioning for them to follow us.

We got outside, we were about to escape, I thought that we were free, and we had succeeded. But we soon realized that we had ran into a trap. There were guards all around us, we were trapped with no way out.

"Give up now, elves! There's nothing you can do now!" The strawberry hair guy said from in front of us. "Ezran, Callum, come to us, if the elves try anything, we will open fire!"

"Wait!" Callum walked in front of us, and did some sign language.

Rayla looked confused "What did you say?" She asked.

"He said that, if we don't let you go you'll kill them, and drink their blood....that you're monsters" the strawberry man answered with visible fear in his eyes.

Monsters...? Really?

I looked at Rayla who was feeling the same thing as I was, anger and maybe some betrayal as well.

"So..you have to let us go" Callum said.

"Don't worry, I can slay two more monsters in my life no problem" the guy translated.

I thought quick, and took out my sword, and put the blade up to Callums neck. "Think twice about what are you going to do next, lady!" I said angrily.

Rayla pointed her sword at Ezran, so it looks more believable.

There was a brief moment of silence, and after a while the lady motioned the archers to put down their bows.

"Good" I said and started to step away, still having Callum in a headlock. "Move, humans!" I said.

Ezran and Callum were fake struggling just so the guards would believe us.

"What now?" Ezran whispered to us.

"Look! A boat!" Callum whispered.

"I guess this will do" I said and went to the boat. Rayla hesitated, but she eventually stepped in the boat as well. After her followed me and Callum, and we started moving.

"I can't believe that actually worked!" Callum said all excited.

"Yeah, sure fucking did" I said with an angry tone, crossing my arms whilst leaning back in the boat.

"You're a jerk, you know that, right?" Rayla said to Callum.

"What? What did I do? We got away, didn't we?" Callum asked confused.

"Really? You called us monsters, I'm sure that they will leave us alone now" Rayla said sarcastically.

"I didn't mean any of that, I said that to only make them back off!" Callum argued.

"You have no idea how that feels, everyone just thinks that we are monsters, and it's because of guys like you!" Rayla said and threw the cube, that we found and I previously gave her, on the ground next to him.

"Y-you got it?" He said and started to examine it.

"I hope that it's worth almost dying for" Rayla said whilst looking away from him.

I felt awful, because I was probably going to become a monster if Rayla wouldn't be there for me at the right moment and time. I actually wanted to become a monster, but she stopped me. I need to thank her for this someday, properly.

I didn't even feel a tear drop down my cheek untill Rayla snapped me out of my thoughts. "(Y/N), are you ok?" She sat next to me.

"Yes" I swiped the tear away as quick as possible and cleared my throat "I'm fine"

"Are you sure?" Rayla took my hand in hers in concern.

I was surprised by this, but not in a bad way. I looked her in the eyes, gave her a little smile and squeezed her hand reassuringly "yeah, I'm sure"


A Change Of Heart (Rayla x Moonshadow Elf!Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now