The letter

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Katelyn pov
Mum can we check my room and see if i missed anything "sure honey" mum lifts me onto her hip taking me to my room when i can walk and i check the wardrobe and find a letter it said you have pressed this button allowing you to relive your life as a baby for 3 years after that time is gone your body will go back to normal and there is no way to change this. Mum i think I'm a baby now for three years thats what this letter says. " wow i get to have a baby again for 3 years this is a dream come true come here baby" mum I'm not really a baby please don't make this worse " we need to go shopping stay here for 30 seconds ima get the car seat in the attic " mum I'm not gonna sit in a car seat. I admire my self in the mirror i do look very cute not as cute as when Isabel was a baby. "Katelyn were are you can you fix my toy" Isabel said entering my room. Hi Isabel its me Katelyn basically i pressed something and now I'm a baby for three years " so I'm a big sister for 3 years" i guess so mum comes back with the car seat and something else and buckles me in and carry's me to car making the car seat in right "okay Lilly your in charge now ill be back soon i don't want to find out something bad happen and grab that thing i told you and put it in my room next to my bed" mum said to Lilly while placing something in the boot and entering the driver seat "okay baby to the store we go" stop calling me that mum " i think you should call me mummy not mum" no way am i doing that "you will and ill make you." we finally arrive at at the mall were mum assembled something in the back and came to the back seats "okay lets get you our of their and into here" she said pointing to a stroller mum i can walk "every time you call me mum you get a spank and every time you say mummy you get rid of one of those spanks so start saying mummy we are at 5 now" okay i will i said knowing my mum would do it and her spanks do hurt. i let her buckle me in and stroll me into the mall we stop at the baby shop grabbing some clothes then going to the diaper section grabbing some pampers and pull ups "we might try potty train you later" then she grabbed some pacifier and baby bottles lastly sippy cups. Mum i mean mummy i really Don't need them "yes you do" we checkout and get back to the car placing everything in the boot and me in the car seat. At home i sit down on the couch waiting for mum to put everything in the house and she comes over to me putting 2 fingers up my shorts and through my diaper. WTH mum "i do not except that language since your a baby and guess what your wet did you even realise i don't want you getting a rash okay now let me change you and for your punishment your not allowed pants in the house for easy check ups" i didn't even know I'm wet could this get any worse with a fresh diaper on me and no pants leaving it exposed i was about to grab the tv remote but instead got grabbed by my mum being taken to her room "its nap time sweaty your already cranky" mum said placing me in the crib where did you get this "in the attic now here in your pacifier you have to leave it in your mouth do i make my self clear" yes "yes who" yes mummy "good girl" she says and leaves closing the curtains and leaving the door shut here i was trapped in baby prison and had no choice but to sleep

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