I welcome our new Calcium Overlord

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The girl is struck in the back collapsing shielding the smaller girl

Nemu: Enri?

Enri: don't worry.

The soldier is about to bring his blade down when a portal appears all looking at it dumbfounded when a sword comes flying out striking one of the soldier in the chest sending them across the ground the soldier skewered grasping the edges of the sword before going limp turning to the portal

They stand in shock as Momonga exits through the portal standing in his nightmare induced visage the two soldiers left shaking in fear

Momonga: [ Grasp heart ]

Bringing his hand up clenching it into a fist a faint heart appearing as the soldier collapsing to his knees grabbing his chest before dropping dead staring at the corpse not feeling any guilt or morality for killing them

Momonga: I see...it's not only my body, but my mind as well is no longer human "he notices the second knight take a step back in fear" so, you dare to attack girls, but not someone who can fight back.

Since he wasn't just here to the rescue, but to test the extent of his spells and skills on the denizens the new world he prepared a less deadly spell

Ainz: [ dragon lightning ]

At his words a dragon shaped bolt of lightning strikes the knight as he tries to run away disgusted at the weakness of the knight moved onto one of his skills at the same time you were finally making it through the portal

Momonga: [ create mid tier undead, death knight ]

You stare surprised at the black smog that appears entering the dead knight before hobbling up as a mindless zombie before black ooze exits through any crevice of the knight enveloping it morphing into a death knight

Momonga: death knight exterminate all knights attacking the village.

The death knight gives a mighty roar before running off into the direction of the village the two of you shocked that the death knight left not acting like it usually does in Yggdrasil

Momonga: it ran off...to think a shield would abandon the person it was supposed to protect them again I did tell it to do so.

Momonga realizes you finally the girls turning in your direction too seeming more calm at the appearance of a "human" as he feels a bit more safer, though still cautious remembering that your character build was more of a glass cannon than a shield

Momonga: Gier...retrieve your sword.

You nod as you walk to your sword you grab the hilt of the blade glowing a deep Crimson as the soldier's blood begins to seep out the wound towards you running all over your clothing like veins entering your mouth a look of bliss on your face feeling a pull in your spine as it forcibly lengthens expanding your height when you hear a familiar voice

Albedo: Lord Momonga offered you a healing potion out of the kindness of his heart, but to think you would actually dare to refuse it...you inferior life forms deserve ten thousands death for that.

She brings her Bardiche down on them the girls scream in fear and reacting in dashing towards them grabbing her weapon by the blade with your bare hands cutting into your palm black blood flowing down your arm now 

(Y/n): Albedo.

You stare her down the blood you consumed having forced your body to grow foot taller than before

Albedo: L-lord Gier?

Momonga: wait, wait, don't be hasty there's a time and place for this let's not overreact.

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