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Puppet Master (Jelsa)

By: Kitty Kat


When we're younger, our teachers in school would ask us what we want to be when we got older. I remember sitting in that classroom knowing who I wanted to be when I got older. I watched as one by one my classmates said what they wanted to be, some wanted to be a doctor, a firefighter, a dancer. But when I stood up, I said what I wanted to study the human mind. Why did people kill? Why did people see things that weren't there, why they go mad? I wanted to know, I wanted to see. To me, the mind is a mystery that can never be solved. Maybe... Maybe that's why I fell in love with her.

Because her mind was broken.


"No way Jack, you are wrong." I hear my partner Cash say to me as we were running on the track, getting ready for our next exam. "How can I be wrong? Margot Robbie is hotter then Jennifer Lawrence sorry man." I say with a laugh. In two weeks, we'd be taking our finally exam, in two weeks, we'd finally graduate from the Bureau and be Special Agent Carter and Special Agent Dream. We've both been dreaming of this day since we were kids, he was the only one in my class who didn't think I was crazy. But the only difference was I wanted to work at the BAU, The behavioral Analysis Unit while Cash wanted to go to the FBI, he wanted to be a sniper but I didn't want that. I knew how to use a gun, I was good at it but... I was still better with the human mind, how people worked. I was always drawn to the human mind, knowing that someone could be perfectly find but a second later could snap without knowing why.

"God you're the worse, Jennifer Lawrence placed Katniss Everdeen, the girl on fire!" "And Robbie is Harley Quinn, you can't beat that psycho." I say with a laugh. "Of course you'd say... That." He says as he starts to slow downing making me slow down with him. "You know Cash, I don't know how you gotten this far, you're so lazy, and you hate running." I say as I slap him on the back. "I take offense to that!" He says finally catching his breath. "I don't know why you find psychopaths so attractive Jack." He says as we start to walk. "I don't find psychopaths attractive... Just their minds." I say pointing to my own head. "You sure you don't find psychopaths attractive? Hasn't Sally been seeing a psychologist for the past few months?" He ask and I felt my blood boil making me stop.

"You know that already Cash, she is your sister." I say as I start to run again, needing to burn off this anger. "Hey! Jack!" I hear Cash behind me just making me run harder. I could already feel myself start to calm down, I liked running. I liked feeling the cold wind hit my face and moving through my snow blonde hair. It was relaxing. But it also reminded me why I was here, why I was working so hard. I wanted this dream but... It would also help Sally. "Jack." I hear next to me opening my eyes to see Cash next to me. "Jack... I... Didn't..." I hear Cash trying to struggle the words out. I let out a chuckle, " I know you didn't." I say stopping again so I don't kill my best friend. I watch as Cash bends over to catch his breath.

"But Sally isn't a psycho Cash, she's just..." I start but I didn't know what to say to him. He knows about Sally's problem, their siblings. But Sally's problem just started about four months ago. Sally and I started dating two years ago but we've known each other for years, we grow up together. Her and Cash lived next door to my family. Everything was fine but when we started but then... Then the nightmares started. They just gotten worse and worse over the months that now... She won't sleep.

So I did what I could and found someone who could help. Dr. James Connolly, a man I haven't meet in person yet but he seems to be helping Sally for the past two months and that's all that matters to me. But at the same time, I felt like she wasn't herself anymore either. Like what happened last night, it was like she was a different person. "Look, I know Sally is sick, but I was just trying to make a joke, I worry about her man." Cash says placing his hand on my shoulder. I sigh, "I know... It just, something happened last night." I say as he gives me a confused look, "What happened?" He ask. I move my fingers through my hair, "It was after I got home form the academy...

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