Chapter 15 (Aftermath)

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 Chapter 15 (Aftermath)

I stir in my bed for a while, when I open my eyes it is already so late. 10am in the morning. I tried to wake up but I have a slight headache. I look around and found that I am still in my outing clothes without my biker jacket which is now nicely hanging on the chair. My shoes has also been take off and neatly place on the floor.

I sat on my bed and try to recall what happened. All I can remember was I was having fun with my buddies and I drank an orange juice. The rest of that is a blur story. Like I remembered loud music, shouting and WAIT riding home in a car with someone but with WHO, I was lost.

I quickly took a quick bath and freshened myself. I saw that my earring is still hanging on my ear. Why am I so dressed up. Then, I remembered that last night it was Wen Han's birthday. Left the earrings on because I am too lazy to take it out now.

I went down stair and a familiar face greeting me.

"Good morning, Bodie"

"Morning Mr Lam"

"How are you?"

"I am well but with a slight headache" I told Mr Lam. I could see the concern face on Mr Lam and he immediately asks Mrs Lam to get me some medication.

"Take this, it is good for your headache" Mr Lam told me. I swallow the two tablets in one gulp with milk.

"Do you know what happened last night?"

"Huh" I look a bit in the cloud and Mr Lam just laugh

"Oh, you were drunk" Mr Lam laughingly told me

"Oh...." Now, I am worry because I knew I might do something crazy which is normal when I am drunk.

"Did you remember anything?" Mr Lam asks me and his face looks a bit cheeky.

"Uh, I was with my friends and then... I can't remember"

"Do you know who brought you home" Mr Lam

"Mmmm... is it you? And Thank You"

"Yes but thank young master because he suffers the most" still my mind is muddy

"What happened" I asks with wide eyes

"You were kissing your Baby" Mr lam laughs

"Oh, I am always like this when I am drunk' I giggle too

"But, you mistook young master as baby" Mr Lam giggling

"Huh, what do you mean?" I was puzzled

"You know, you kiss .... Young master.." Mr Lam replied stutterly

"OH...NO..." I face palmed myself and I could feels my face all heated up

"I..ahemmm... Kiss.....Oh... no...Mr..Lam...can..I" I was so embarrassed that I whine and whine like a crazy kid.

"It is ok, young master is not even angry in fact I think he ...might...ahemm..." Mr Lam stops and looks at me

"I don't care, this is so embarrassing"

"Er. You also took his thing as a bike handle" Mr Lam gives up and laugh out so loud.

"What thing?, er" I asks innocently

"You should ask young master" Mr Lam quickly walks away but still laughing.

I was too shocked to do anything but to run up into my bedroom and hide. I sat on my bed and felt my heart throbbing away thinking of myself kissing Xiao Zan. My feeling is a mix of joy and happiness. And I feels my belly is like butterfly playing inside. I start to remembered the time we touch each other's hand when we did the tango. This give me a feeling of sensation down my spine. Then, I recalled him carrying me when I was frightened. The sweet essense still linger in my heart.

Oh NO... why am I feeling like that. I jumped up from my bed and went to my laptop and ask the smartest person in the world "MR GOOGLE".

What came out was too terrifying and sent me into a panic mode. "FALLING IN LOVE" How can I fall in love with HIM. I began to look around my room and something so hard hit my heart.

Nothing in this house belongs to me.

I am not in my own home.



XIAO ZAN DOESN'T BELONGS TO ME (He has a girlfriend)

I began to broke down and my tears were free flowing. I felt my heart being squeeze from all directions and it was like too much pressure pushing me that I felt suffocated. The pain was something I never experienced before. I told myself


This realization send me trembling. I look for my back bag which was the only thing that truly belongs to me. I wipe myself of my tears. I change into my own clothes and carry my bag.

Then, my phone rings and Wen Han calls me

"Bodie, what happen, why are you crying brother" Wen Han was worry

"I want to go...home.." I told him

"Ok, we will come and pick you. Also, I forgot to tell you that we had a super big performance tonight and you are doing two solo dance with songs, because the organizer saw your video and they were so impressed with you. Maybe, this will helps to cheer you up, ok" Wen Han

"OK, come and pick me please...." I am still crying.

I walk downstairs, I need to say goodbye to Mrs Lam. I saw her walking to me

"" I hug her and cries.

"OH NO, BODIE...PLEASE....DON'T GO" Mrs Lam was crying as well. Mr Lam came running toward us

"Please Bodie, wait for young master, he will talk to you" Mr Lam trying to convince me.

I heard the car horning and I knew my buddies are here.

I turn around and walk and I heard Mr Lam calling Xiao Zan



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