"I can see why." Freddie hadn't been lying - it really was the cherry on the top of the whole outfit. It was lovely, made from soft material and decorated in a beautiful design of gold flowers.  

She was so absorbed in their conversation she almost missed her stop!

"Is this your stop?" Brian asked.

She peered over the heads of the other passengers.  "Oh, yes! Thank you!"

"Best of luck, but I'm sure you won't need it."

"Thanks! Nice to see you again, Brian."

"You too."

She tried not to push her way to the bus's door when it stopped, saying 'excuse me' over and over again.  She called a hurried 'thank you!' to the driver before stepping out onto the street and facing the department store.

Biba, here I come!


She was even earlier than expected - perfect time for some light browsing. She was already here, so might as well, right? 

Mary squeezed her hand when she saw her.  "Good luck, Lettie Love! You'll do great!"

"Thanks Mary! I couldn't have done this without your help!"

"Nice jacket by the way." Mary winked.

"Thanks." Lettie winked back. 

Browsing the shop floor helped calm her nerves -  some. Her increasing nerves made her even more excited - her being so nervous only emphasized how much she wanted this! 

"Juliette Evans?"

She whirled around from where she was going through a shirt rack.  "Yes."

A woman in a deep blue pantsuit stood behind her. "Maureen Watson, Assistant Head of the Ladies Fashion Department here at Biba."

"Hello Ms. Watson, lovely to meet you." They shook hands.

"You as well.  Come, we'll head to the back." Ms. Watson led her through to the back of the shop where only staff was allowed. This was where all the behind-the-scenes magic happened, all the designing and  planning.

They headed into Ms. Watson's office. 

"Can I get you anything to drink? Tea, coffee, glass of water?"

"I'm fine thanks."

"Have a seat, Dear."

"Thanks." Lettie sat before the desk, Ms. Watson taking a seat behind it.  

"So, tell me about yourself." 

"Well-" Lettie launched right into it.  "I'm studying fashion in university, I'm in my second year at Ealing Art College.  I live at home with my parents and brother and work part-time at our family grocery shop. I hope to be a fashion designer some day, with my own line of unisex and bohemian fashion. Biba's my favourite shop, I always come by and just mix and match for fun..."

Time rushed by in a blur, and suddenly the interview was ending. Ms. Watson thanked her and said that she would be in touch. Lettie thanked her too and they shook hands again, all very official. 

When she left, as soon as she set foot outside the building, she did a little dance. 


"Are you following me?" Lettie asked from behind the counter when Brian entered the grocery shop a few days later. 

"Tina said you'd be here."

She shook her head in mock scolding. "Brian, conspiring with my best friend now, are we?"

"That's unfair. I would never conspire." They shared a chuckle. "How'd your interview go?" 

"Well I think, thanks. It went by so fast! They said they would 'be in touch'."

"I have no doubt it will work out for you."

"Thanks, Brian."

He reached into his bag and withdrew a piece of paper.  "I saw this and thought of you, and Tina gave me the address of the shop, saying you'd be at work, so-" He placed the piece of paper down on the counter.

It was an advertisement flyer. "They're holding a '50s night at my university at the end of next month. Sounds like there'll be music, dancing, snacks and trivia, with everyone encouraged to dress up. I thought of you."

She took the flyer. "Oh, thank you, that sounds brilliant. We could make an evening out of it."'


"Oh, sorry, that's what I thought you meant."

"Oh, sorry." He ran a hand through his hair. "I mean, I'll come along if you want me to..."

"I'd love that."

"Alright. I'm afraid I don't look very '50s though." He ran his hands through his long hair for emphasis. 

"Well that's not a worry. We might have to get Tina to cut your hair-" She laughed when he went pale.  "I'm only kidding, Brian! I wouldn't dream of cutting your lovely hair!"


"Yes, I think it's quite lovely."

"Oh, well, thanks..." Was he blushing? He was absolutely adorable.  "I'll get tickets after my class on Monday and pass one along to you."

"Sounds lovely. Looking forward to it! Thanks for letting me know."

"Yeah, thanks for inviting me."

"Of course." 

She wouldn't realize it until later, but it appeared that it may have been fate that she kept running into the sweet astrophysicist guitarist.

(Thank you so much for the 100+ reads already! That's brilliant! :)

I've seen pictures of Freddie, Roger, and Brian all wearing that same black jacket with the gold flowers, so I decided to use it as inspiration here ;)

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :))

You Take My Breath Away - Brian MayWhere stories live. Discover now