Chapter 4- What Happens Now

Start from the beginning

Caroline Magadeline Storms body was a massacre, to say the least, covered in blood lying there on the bed unconscious. My first thought upon seeing that was to drop everything in my hands at that moment and try and do anything to try and awake her. Though at one point I was practically screaming her name never once did I get an answer. I had been too late she was far too gone along and I was far too late.

I had tears streaming down my face as I'm screaming out; looking to the Storms begging them to call for help, even if we all knew it was far too late.


The police and the ambulance arrived it had felt like a lifetime before they came but in reality, they were there in almost five minutes. The shock and horror on their face were what I assumed was similar to mine when I first laid my eyes upon the scene in front of them. While they assisted me out of the room upon their arrival I managed to catch a quick glimpse of myself. I was covered in her blood; I do not think I was completely fazed by it though as I do not think I had fully grasped the depth of what had happened in those last five minutes.

On the way out while I was being escorted, I sat and thought about those five minutes and if it would have ever meant anything in saving her but then I remember it was too late when I arrived so she would have been long gone by the time they did.

Upon leaving the estate it was swarmed with not only the lights of the police but the paparazzi too all wanting to know the all-important details of what had just occurred in the infamous Storm household, luckily I had a blanket covered over me so they wouldn't have been able to get any pictures and twist this already insane story.

I went and found myself right next to Matt and Jessie until I heard someone take me instantly out of my thoughts as my name was called. I turned around to see three men standing in front of me all of whom had umbrellas in this what could only be called a storm that had occurred.

Trying to stay collected and keep a straight face I reply with a simple. "Yes. That is me." All while trying not to break down in front of everybody.

The detective stuck his hand out to talk to me but seemingly ignored all of the other members of my family around me. "My name is Detective Aaron Wood; this is detective Joseph Graham and my son Detective Hunter Woods we would like to start the investigation almost immediately with your Aunts status being what it was and all. It's nothing personal or to worry about Ms Storm it's just how it goes in our line of business. We just came over to pre-warn you that the investigation will be taken place in the morning no need for any of you to come down to the station tonight as there's many of you we'd like to have you all in one place." The old detective looked as if he had done this a thousand times and knew every response in the book. His son, on the other hand, looked almost shocked by his bluntness towards the situation.

I do not know why but in the back of my mind as I looked over towards the detective's son, I immediately recognised him. His son was the same son I had fallen for during my first year at Harvard right after the situation with Alex had occurred. He studied Criminal Justice while I was there and our paths would cross often in the most bizarre of circumstances whether that be in the library studying, him auditing one of the lectures I was in or even being in a similar circle to the people Alex used to hang out with but out of some sheer coincidence he was here. I had fallen so hard for this man during my first year and he never batted an eyelid, I knew his schedule like the back of my own hands, I even knew what time he'd walk across the quad just so I could catch a glimpse.

I was in love with this man in every way a girl could be without actually talking to him or ever formally meeting him but by the time I did pluck up some courage to talk to him, it was too late. He was a few years older than me so he left before I even got a chance to ask him anything. I pray to god that they're not the same person, though that was unlikely to happen. I do not know if he would recognise me at all but I sure as hell recognised him far too quickly.

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