Kit looked around them and her eyes widened when she saw something not too far away.

"It looks like someone already has." Said Kit as she pointed to the baskets of fruit.

Kat and Kit ran towards the baskets, chowing down on the food.

Panthro went over to one of the baskets and picked up one of the fruits and took a bite out of it.

"Mm Candy fruit!" Said Panthro with a smile.

Before Adam and Carter could ask, Tygra spoke up.

"Uh, take it easy!" Yelled Tygra to Kat and Kit when he saw how fiercely they were going at the candy fruit.

"We don't need you anymore hyper than you already are." Said Tygra but the kittens ignored him and continued eating.

"Seems like we have someone helping us out." Said Cheetara looking around them.

"Question is, who?" Asked Adam.

"How are we supposed to find out who brought us this stuff?" Asked Tygra.

Cheetara put her hand to her chin in thought for a moment.

"I have an idea." Said Cheetara to the others.

Everyone went and hid behind some of the strange, giant mushrooms and waiting for the person who helped them to arrive.

They were surprised when little balls of fur started rolling around their campsite and going to the tank.

They unrolled to reveal they were little metal bears.

Once they reached the tank they started opening up different compartments for some of its mechanical workings.

"What are they doing?" Asked Adam as they opened up the engine compartment.

"I'll tell you what." Said Panthro angrily.

"They're messing with my baby!" Yelled Panthro as he jumped out of the hiding spot.

"Panthro, wait!" Yelled Adam, trying to get him to come back.

"What are you furry freaks doing to my tank?!" Asked/Yelled Panthro as he ran towards the creatures.

When they saw him coming they turned into little balls and started rolling away but Panthro managed to snag one before he could escape.

"Gotcha!" Yelled Panthro.

"Put me down, put me down." Said a metallic voice.

"What is that?" Asked Cheetara as she and the others came over to it.

"Ro-Bear-Bill, a Ro-Bear-Berbil." Said The small bear as Panthro put him down.

"Did he say gerbil?" Asked Tygra not understanding the way he spoke.

"Berbil." Replied The bear.

"Derbil?" Asked Panthro.

"Berbil." Replied The bear again.

"Herbal derbilly berbil-urble." Said Adam in confusion.

"Nice to meet you Ro-Bear-Bill." Said Kit in a very fast-talking voice since she was still on a rush from the candy fruit as was Kat.

"I'm WilyKit, and this is WilyKat, and we're ThunderCats!" Yelled Kit.

She started chowing down on the candy fruit again.

"Thunder Cats?" Asked Ro-Bear-Bill, as if testing out a new word.

"Berbils help ThunderCats." Said Ro-Bear-Bill.

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