You know what they say

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Title: You know what they say
Pairings/Characters:Zoe, BillieandBrandon
Genre:Romance, Angst, Humour
Summary: Curiosity killed the cat.

Same universe as Here We Go Again.


I am not talking to you, Brandon!"

"Great, then we're on the same page."

Zoe growled under her breath, gritting her teeth in annoyance as she shuffled through the reference materials on the bookshelf. Brandon and Billie were at it again. Arguing at the other end of the aisle about something stupid that she didn't care about, but it definitely was starting to bug her. It could have been comical watching Billie hiss and glare up at Brandon like he was dirt under her shoes when she was so much shorter than him, but as it was, Zoe was way too irritated to think anything at the moment was amusing.

"Guys, we're in a library." Zoe reminded them for the third time, rolling her eyes.

They ignored her comment and continued to argue, and Zoe walked around to another reference aisle.

She peeked out from behind the shelf, checking to see if the librarian had caught wind of the argument and was on her way to tell them off. But she was seated at her desk, nonchalantly reading what seemed to be a biography with a slight flush on her face.

(Yeah right. She suspected it was a trashy romance novel)

"You know, you are such a hypocrite sometimes, Billie."

"How? Am I not allowed to get angry now?"

"You do the exact same thing!"

Zoe groaned under her breath, knowing she was going to get a headache if they kept this up. Damn their teacher. She just had to team Zoe up with the two lovebirds for the project. Don't get her wrong, she loved Billie and Brandon but sometimes when they were together one of two things happened pretty frequently: they fought or they made out. Both of which made Zoe terribly uncomfortable in one way or another.

And unfortunately for her, it was one of those fight days. She didn't even know what had happened for them to be in such a fighting mood in the first place, but she was quickly getting tired of it. Zoe just wanted to get the reference books, check them out and leave. The sooner they got that done, the sooner they could finish their research project and the sooner she could distanced herself from them. She didn't want to get caught up in another of their arguments anymore.

Zoe sighed, shaking her head in disdain.

This was just sad. She'd known for a while that the two liked each other but all this fighting was just a nuisance. She just didn't see the point of them being together if all they did was fight all the time. Nikita had told her it was part of their natural order, but Zoe didn't get it.

"She was flirting with you!"

"It's not like I was reciprocating!"

"You clearly were! You think I don't know the difference between chatting and flirting?!"

"You are completely overreacting! Besides, if anyone is the flirt, it's you when you're with Denzel!"

There was an abrupt silence and Zoe rolled her eyes again. And this would be the part where Nikita would gather her books and force everyone away from Billie and Brandon for whatever damn reason. She never understood why Nikita was always so adamant in making sure Brandon and Billie got their space. They were just fighting. They'd had lots of fights in the past.

"How could you say that?"

It was Billie who had whispered those words, sounding hurt. Brandon didn't respond.

Zoe welcomed the silence happily. It sounded like they were winding down the argument, which was fine with her. Zoe didn't understand why Kita would freak out and usher everyone away as quickly as possible whenever they got quiet. Peace and quiet was good.

She continued browsing through the reference books, searching titles and authors until she found what she was looking for. Now all she had to do was frickin call the pair over and they could be on their way.

"Brandon, Billie. I found the book we need" She called out, as loudly as she could to be heard without being too loud to disturb the peace and quiet in the library.

No response.

Zoe frowned. She was sure they were on the other side of the bookshelf. At least that's where she had left them. Why weren't they answering?

'Whatever you do Zoe, if their fight is over and done with, do not look for them.'

She remembered Nikita's warning to her earlier that afternoon and frowned. Is this what she had been talking about? Their whole lack of response? The obedient friend in her told her to leave it be. But the curious part of her wondered what this was. And above all, she wanted to know what it was that spooked Nikita about their fights.

She walked back around to the aisle she had left them in.

"Guys, I found the--"

And Zoe dropped the book in her hand on the ground, eyes wide and surprised.

Now she knew why neither of them had answered.

Billie was pressed up against the bookshelf, Brandon's hands sliding up the skin of her waist, slowly rucking her shirt up with his fingers. She had her arms wrapped around his neck threading her fingers through his hair.

And they were all over each other, mouths fused together and heavily making out.

It was intense and definitely something private judging by the way Billie was arching into Brandon as if she couldn't get enough of his touch. It made Zoe impossibly uncomfortable.

It was highly inappropriate! This was the library for goodness sake! People read those books! Did they have no sense of privacy to at least wait until they were in their room or something?

And then Billie sighed out Brandon's name against his lips and wrapped her legs around his waist when he hoisted her up.

And Zoe knew exactly what was coming next. She'd seen enough of their make out sessions during movie nights at her's to know. So she picked up her dropped book as fast as possible and spun on her heel out of the aisle. She went straight to the front desk, checked out her book, and left the library.

She would never disobey Nikita's warning again. She'd learned a valuable lesson that day.

Curiosity killed the cat.

And now she would make sure she never got curious about the two of them again.

And she definitely had to find a new library.


This was crap and all over the place please ignore it.

But I got a new book called Unpredictable Circumstances so read if you want.

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