When we land we join up to him" Anakin wait" I shout to him he turns to us "master, Mia she went into the club" Anakin point to a night club " patients Anakin...use the force...think" Obi-Wan tells him " sorry master " Anakin said out of breath " he went in there to hide not to run" Obi-Wan said " yes master" Anakin said Obi-Wan hands him his lightsaber " try to hang on to it you're lucky Mia here caught it for you " Obi-Wan said to him I wink at him as I walk by him making him blush the three of us walk into the club" why do I get the feeling your gonna be the death of me " Obi-Wan said to anakin " Don't say that master you know your the closest thing I have to a father" anakin tells him " then why don't you listen to me " Obi-Wan said " I am trying master" anakin said to him we look around " do you see him" Obi-Wan asked us " no , but I think he is a she" Anakin tells him " and I think she is a changdler " Anakin adds Obi-Wan looks up " then that case be very careful you two" Obi-Wan said " you two separate and look for her" Obi-Wan tells us " where are you going " I ask him " to get a drink of coarse " he said grinning I roll my eyes playfully I started walking around as Anakin walks around the other end I can see the men in here giving me lustful looks as I walk by suddenly I feel a hand grab my wrist as the person slams me to a near by wall talking in a language I don't understand I put my hand on my lightsaber ready to attack but before I could do anything Anakin is there in a flash and jerks the creep off me giving him a look to kill he tells him to get lost as the guy does he then turns to me " are you alright " he asks with concern in his eyes" yea I'm fine now thanks to you" I say in a flirty tone what am I doing get an hold of yourself Mia I can't be doing this I thought to myself " maybe we should stick together " he said smiling " sure " is all I can say as we walk by I see a bunch of half naked girls eyeing Anakin I give them all death glares as a sudden anger hits me but before one tries to come flirt with him I quickly grab his hand and turn and look at the girl and mouth " back off " to her she sits back down Anakin was shock at first that I took his hand but didn't mind it at all " what was that about" he ask amused " ah just some sluty girl making dreamy eyes at you " I tell him clearly sounding  jealous I wasn't even trying to hide it he looks at me with a huge smirk while still holding my hand it felt nice I can feel his heart start to beat faster " sorry I probably shouldn't be doing this " I say embarrassed " no don't be it's all good" he tells me I give him a half smile then we both sense it at the same time through the force Obi-Wan was in trouble before we get to him I heard a lightsaber as Obi-Wan use it to slice the assassin hand before she could blast him everyone around starts to get up " easy Jedi business go back to your drinks" Anakin tells them as Obi-Wan and I lift the girl up and drag her outside " do you know who you try to kill" Obi-Wan questions " a senator from Naboo" she answers " who hire you huh" Anakin ask " it's just a job" she tells us " tell us now" I yell getting mad " it was bounty hunter Calle...." but she gets cut off and then dies Obi-Wan pulls a dart out of her neck I look over and see a guy in a mask fly off " what is it" Anakin ask Obi-Wan " toxic dart" is all Obi-Wan saids who would go to such leaks to kill a senator I thought to myself ....

The next day the three of us are in the Jedi temple with the councils discussing what to do next they explain this situation is more dangerous then they thought before they tell Obi-Wan he will be investigating the situation and Anakin and I will escount senator Amidala back to Naboo and keep a watch on her oh she not gonna be happy about that I thought " as leader of the deposition it's going to be hard to convince her to leave the senate " I tell them " until this killer is caught our judgement she must respect " Master Yoda said " Anakin go to characdler palpitate and have him ordered senator Amidala back to Naboo for her own safety take regular transportation and go as refugees " master windu saids " May the force be with you" master Yoda tells all of us. Before we walk out Obi-Wan ask to speak to me " yes Obi-Wan " I ask " I want to tell you to be careful in Naboo not just of the dangers " he said I looked at him confused but then it hit me he was referring to Anakin and I , I nod " don't worry I can handle myself Obi-Wan " I tell him " it's not you I'm worried about.. " Obi-Wan said walking off. As we walk out I catch up to Anakin he can't seem to hide the smile on his face for our up coming mission to Naboo together he doesn't even try to control his excitement in it.

Later in padme's apartment she's telling jar-jar he will represent her in the debate and vote on the Federation trade deal at the senate. I'm leaning near the window with my arms cross and my foot arch against the wall listening to jar jar rumble on and on I start to copying him as he keeps talking making Anakin chuckle while he is sitting beside me he looks back at his hands I feel nervous and longlyness again off him padme then comes walking in still mad she has to leave " I do not like this idea of hiding " she rants to us " don't worry now that the council has order an investigation it won't take Obi-Wan long to find this bounty hunter" I tell her " I haven't work for a year to defeat the military creation act to not be here when it's fate is decided she said " sometimes we must put our pride aside for the good of others" Anakin tells her I look at him and smile he really has grown up " ani you grown up" padme said amazed as I am " I agree " I say smiling at him and he return the smile " I wish master Obi-Wan could see it...don't get me wrong I am grateful to be his apprentice he's as wise as master Yoda and as strong as master windu..but in some ways.. in a lot of ways I'm really ahead of him" Anakin rants turning to the window here we go I thought" that must be frustrating"padme said "it is he's over critical , I'm ready to take the trails I know I am but he won't let me he said I'm to unpredictable" Anakin rants on turning his back to us "he's just trying to help make you better , you forget I had the most critical teacher of all the jedis Master Yoda always criticized he'd always point out my flaws even when I did better then everyone else they just do that to make you better than your expected to be , I mean look at me you just need to be more patient that's all " I tell him padme nods in agreement he drops his head" I know your right " Anakin said with his head down I smile " try not to grown up to fast ani" I say he looks up to me as he stands up"but I am grown up" he said to me padme had step out to finish setttile things before we leave I know she was doing this on purpose, Anakin was looking at me with such intensity I turn to look out at the view from the balcony again trying to ignore his flirting " I can't wait to be back on Naboo" I say out loud thinking about home ignoring his comment from a second ago" you miss it don't you " he ask stepping closer to me I nod my head I look over at him as he looking at me with such intensity " I've missed you over the years" he tells me I look into his eyes as he steps closer to me I look away avoiding eye contact. I can't do this I thought panicking this is exactly what Obi-Wan meant earlier he takes a strand of my hair out of my face my eyes following his hand touching my cheek slowly using his thumb doing circles softly as he does this I close my eyes and take a deep breath longing for his touch but I stop myself coming back to reality " don't do that..and please stop looking at me like that too" I tell him removing his hand off my face" why not " he ask grinning getting arrogant" because it makes me feel uncomfortable " I lie but Anakin saw through it I know he knew exactly how I was really feeling " sorry ma lady " he said with a flirtatious tone smirking after me as I walk out of the room. I roll my eyes trying not to look back at him.

Love is forbidden (Anakin Skywalker love story)Where stories live. Discover now