My Time

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(Based on my interpretation on the lyrics of My Time)
Every 24 hours, life just always goes on fast
It's hard to figure how old you really are
You may seem like a young child in the outside but inside you feel older

It's not fair
Feeling like you're growing up faster than you should be
All my friends are back on the ground living their life
While I'm up in the sky flying to a whole new country to preform shows and concerts to public.

It hurts even more knowing if I talk to them again,
I'll just be treated like a celebrity rather than their friend
I can't go back to hold, touch, or call them normally again

My life has constantly been a movie
But with an ending that not even I know

All I know is that I've made tons through this game of fame
Am I living this right?

I'm just stuck in yesterday
Everyone's just moving too fast
What can I do?
Do I need to know where to go?
Am I living this right?

Maybe I don't need to know if I am
Maybe I don't need to know where I go
Even if I go to the opposite way of the sun
I'll find it
I'll be able to call you, hold you, and touch you again
But for now, I can't
I promise I'll do all of it
When I finally find it

When I someday finally find my time

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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