[After Story - 9]

Start from the beginning

Mezo's face burns a bright red as he feels your lips press against his jaw, glad that his daughter left the room. "(Y/n). Right here? Really?" He asks nervously, putting his hands on your shoulders.

"You seem flustered." You laugh softly, kissing him on the neck once before turning back to the food.

A sigh sounds from behind you as you feel his hands gripping onto your body. Mai's little laugh sounds from the living room as you both hear the springs in the couch creaking. "You're so perfect, you know that?" He asks you, pressing your back against his torso. "I can't ever think straight when I'm with you." His voice is soft in your ears, the feeling of his breath on your skin makes your heart flutter as you struggle flip a pancake.

"You're too much, sometimes." You say while chuckling to yourself. "How about you get breakfast for yourself so Mai doesn't start claiming that she's going to starve to death." Your head rests on his shoulder as you kiss his cheek one final time. "I got you some orange juice already."

With that, Mezo nods and gets himself a plate of pancakes. He tells Mai that she can get a plate for herself, causing her to happily bound towards the kitchen. "Thank you!" She shouts, grabbing the plate, along with some pancakes. The little girl grabs a small bottle of strawberry milk from the fridge before making her way over to the dinner table. You do the same after turning off the griddle and grabbing the syrup and a bottle of iced (coffee/tea).

Your eyes look over your family while you take your seat. It makes your heart pound. It filled you with joy that you had the opportunity to look over the two in front of you and have a heart filled with love. Thinking back on it, you felt as though you were the luckiest woman alive. To have such a caring, strong, and supportive husband meant more to you than you could even fathom. You wanted to describe that and tell him at every possible moment you were given the chance to, but you knew Mai wouldn't understand your emotions quite yet.

Instead, you watched your daughter pour way too much syrup on her pancakes, only to watch Shoji do the same thing. While you were dazing, he must've done his silent ritual, as he didn't hesitate to take a fork-full of buttermilk pancakes into his mouth. All you could do is laugh softly to yourself while digging in as well.

As you all ate, casual conversation ensued amongst the table. Surprisingly, your husband was more in tune with your old friend's lives than you were, and he decided to catch you up on a lot of things. "Did you hear," he would always start the conversation that way, "that the Bakugous adopted a set of twins at the beginning of the month?" He asked, looking up at you with curious eyes.

"Wait, really?" You ask, nearly choking on your mouthful. You had to take a large sip of your drink in order to regain your composure.

Shoji chuckles while glancing over at you. "Yep. A girl and a boy. Eijirou says that the little girl has a self-combustion quirk, and the boy can cause things to spontaneously combust." He looks up at you. You want to ask him something, though he already knows the question. "They're both five. Katsuki wouldn't adopt a baby, and I'm sure we both know that." He jokes, looking down at his food before taking another bite.

You look down at your daughter for a moment while smiling. "Wow. Good for them."

Mezo nods and looks over at you. "Oh, and did you hear about Aoyama?" There was a smile on his face as he reached into his pocket, presumably grabbing his phone.

"What about him?" You seemed nervous. "Is he alright?"

His eyes light up as he smiles. "Oh, he's alright." His phone slides over to you while putting an emphasis on the last word of his sentence. On the screen is the picture of what looks like a woman in thick makeup, a heavy wig, and a tight and glittery dress with black, thigh high stilettos.

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