Do Not leave your rabbit unattended

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The rare Todoroki POV ~

It was a Tuesday night and bakugou, kirishima, and I went to a gay strip club around the corner. Shinsou was off doing lord knows whatever he does, probably training or sleeping. Well when we had gotten back to the bar, where we had left Midoriya by himself for like 2 hours, he was gone. The only person in he bar was jirou. She was stocking the whiskey bottles making sure they were aligned and full. The ones that were almost gone she had mixed together. It smelled of hops and dust and the air was damp. (If you don't know what hops are your either too young to be on my page or your not very well educated. If you don't know, they're an ingredient in making beer.) If was fowl, I made a face showing my disgust and shooed the air around my nose. "Excuse me ms.kyokya, do you know where bunny went?"

"No, isn't keeping an eye on him your guy's job? You know some of the dumb shit he does when no one can stop him." she said with a sour tongue

" Aw, jrouuuuu! Did you have a bad day with yaorozu? Sis I am always here for support! " kirishima piped in behind me

" Maybe.... But that's not the point! He was sitting on his computer all focused like, I believe he was doing some sort of research? He was drinking like there was no tomorrow. He asked me to keep an eye on his computer for him at least until he came back. I trust that he wouldn't hide anything from you guys so you can look through it." she ducked under the counter and brought back up deku's red Hp computer. Its quite a few years old but for some reason he has an attachment to it, even if it runs like absolute garbage. I opened it up, it was still sitting on the counter, the keyboarding is super dusty in between the keys.

" Thanks jirou we appreciate it."

I nodded my head to her and nodded in response. I lifted it off the counter and brought it over to a near by table. The other two sat at the bar and began babbling about whatever it is that they liked to babble about. The computer was still working on starting up, the screen was on but just barely, the screen was lit but there wasn't any sign of it deciding to work anytime soon. His lock screen popped up, it was a picture of him with Shinsou's cats. you could see Shinsous confused self in the background. Midoriya and Shinsou have been friends for the longest out of any of us even Bakugou. I'm almost certain that Shinsou likes MY bunny boy, thus making us love rivals. I've never been too fond of him but since I'd seen him making googly eyes at Midoriya my taste for the lavender headed boy has dramatically decreased. I made a face of disapproval at his picture but moved on. Crap he has a password... lets seeee. I tried a few combinations of bunny but i finally got it when i tried Bunnyboi22, the loading screen appeared and his home screen was once again Hitoshi, I gritted my teeth at the sight.

I heard a breathing sound behind my head and turned around putting a knife on the mystery mans neck.

"Heh, chill icy hot, but uh jealous much are we?" he sneered at my attack.

"Despite my better judgement I didn't slit your throat. Sneak up behind me again and I'll tell Midoriya you died on a mission. I wouldn't test me if I were you, I'm not jealous of you because he's mine." I spat back with more confidence than one really should have.

"Ah so you have plans to have him come over on Thursday night, oh wait that's me"

"Huh?! Ugh that's fine, I just need to find him first, I'm sure his vanilla self cant do much."

" Uh huh whatever." He walked up to the counter and ordered a whiskey on the rocks with grenade syrup dripped on top. He strangely specifically ordered for an umbrella on top. He looked back on me with a sly smile. "He loves these little things." he said arrogantly as he flicked the umbrella hanging off the side.

I only looked away and continued on the task at hand. I needed to find him, i don't trust that he's safe, he really doesn't have a good common sense system.

I opened his activity bar and was suprised at what i saw. the last thing it looked like he looked up was 'woods near me with wolves'. Jesus Christ, the next one was wolf sattles in stores near me .... oh my all might he's fucking trying to ride wolves!

I called the other three towards me, and called Midoriya on his cell phone. He answered.

"Hey Sho-kun! Watcha need?" He answered the phone clearly nervous

"UH actually I have the gang here and um where are you?" i said as if i was talking to a 4 year old.

" I-I'm at the grocery getting s-snacks for tomorrow with Hitoshi..." his voice trailed off. I could hear rustling of leaves in the background.

"You wanna bold face lie to me again or are you gonna come back." I sternly lectured.

" I prom-" he started before I cut him off

" Bunny, I saw your search history. I know where you are, either you come home or Hitoshi comes to get you!"

"Hey! I've got to get my condo clean before tomorrow! I don't have time for that!" Shinso piped in.

"H-Hitoshi I'm too dr-drunk to drive home, please" My Midoriya whined back

"Tch, icy hot you owe me one." He directed at me " Alright bunny I'm coming to get you."

I ended the call and Shinso left the bar and got in his car. I turned talking to Bakugou and Kiri, "Okay who's idea was it to leave him here!" I exclaimed attempting to assert dominance over the group but Bakugou wasn't having it.

"All of ours fucking icy hot. We all agreed that Jirou would make sure he didn't fuck up, apparently she didn't get the memo not to let him leave!"

"Once again not hes not my responsibility, I asked him where he was going and he said grocery store." Jirou piped in from behind the counter.

"Fine, we learned a lesson and we wont make that mistake again." I ended the conversation.

The other boys nodded, even if Bakugo was still being stubborn he agreed.

~~~~~~Time skip by Milo~~~~~~~

Hitoshi entered the bar with a sleeping bunny boy.

"okay who's taking him home?" I said

" I will" Bakugou responded

Lesson learned

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