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Assalamu Alaykum wa rahmatullah.

In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent the Merciful. All praise is due to Allah who has kept us alive until now and bestowed upon us His mercy and blessings.

40 Gems...

What is it about?'s a collection of 40 short hadiths which I believe has something to do with our daily lives. I got this idea when I was trying to memorize a few more hadiths in order to broaden my knowledge a bit. So instead of trying really long ones, I decided to help myself in the best way I can so I don't give up that easily.

Anyways, 40 really short maybe not that short hadiths from Sahih-al-Bukhari. I decided to post this on here with the hope that someone out there somewhere might benefit from it as much as I will as I select and try to memorize and apply these hadiths to my life. Furthermore, I hope that maybe somehow someone would be able to memorize a one or two hadiths from here.

Nevertheless I wish to proclaim that this is absolutely not my work. Everything on here is from Sahih-al-Bukhari and the most I will be doing is copying and pasting from an authentic source.

This book holds no resemblance to the work of the amazing and renowned Imam an-Nawawi although you might find one or two hadiths similar but I didn't copy his work at all. The difference is however clear, his work is a compilation of hadiths from various sources but mine is from only the Sahih-al-Bukhari.

I will cross reference everything I will post here with any other Sahih-al-Bukhari book I can find so I don't mislead anyone unintentionally.

However, I am a human being and prone to mistakes so if by any chance you find an error in this book, please kindly send me a private message or leave a kind message in the comment box and I will make sure to confirm the error and correct it.

All credits go to, all the hadiths will most likely be copied and pasted from their web page.

This book will be cross referenced with the soft copy of Sahih-al-Bukhari.

The app on my phone

The hard copy of Sahih-al-Bukhari available to me.

Jazakumullahu khayran

Assalamu Alaykum wa rahmatullah

Fi amanillah.

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