"I'll have mac' n cheese please" y/n sighed. "I'll have the same please"

~Y/n's pov

The date was going well. I was actually having fun. With my previous dates I didn't really have fun.

I know I shouldn't be saying this on our first date but I think I'm starting to fall for him. His cute smile, his laugh, his everything just made me happy for once.

I don't think I'm gonna be able to break his heart. "Your smile is really cute" I giggle and he smirks
Causing me to blush.

After the date


After the date he dropped me back home. He walked me up to my door and we hugged.

"Thanks for tonight I've had fun" I thank him. "So did I"

We stare at each other for a while, until we both start to lean in. Our lips smashed together. The kiss get so passionate.

This definitely never happened in the dates I've been on. I placed my hand on his cheek, while both his hands wrapped around my waist.

I've really fallen for him now. This was no longer a game, I wanted mattia.

~Mattia's pov

This is all a game. I didn't want her and she doesn't want me. Or did I want her? The kiss get so good. But yet again I remembered she probably does this in all of her dates.

I pull away and look into her eyes. I tuck a piece if hair behind her ear. I quickly kiss her again and say bye.

~Y/n's pov

I wave goodbye and walk into my house. I run upstairs and jump in my bed. I was so happy! Finally.

I had a massive smile on my face, that I couldn't wipe off. Later that night I fell asleep happy and smiling.

Later that week


It had been almost a week of me and mattia becoming close. I have never been this happy.

I was on my way to school with leah. I told her about the gaining of feeling I had grown for mattia.

The whole week I have had a smile on my face.

We walk into school and is we something that crushed my whole world. It feels like daja vu.

I saw mattia kissing another girl. My heart sank. Tears started forming in my eyes. It felt like I couldn't breath.

I started breathing in and out really fast while tears rolled down my cheeks. It felt like everything around me had stopped and the only thing I could focus on what mattia and that girl.

I quickly run away out of the school, not a care in the world on what happens. I run all the way home crying.

I open my door and run up to my bedroom. I crash in my bed and cry and cry. I couldn't help myself. All I could think about was mattia.

Mattia. Mattia. Mattia.

~mattia's pov

I was with the boys and this random girl I saw in the hall. We were all talking about the plan until Roshaun told us the y/n was coming.

We quickly get into position. "Go! Go! She's coming" Alejandro yells. I smirks and kiss the girl.

The kiss get off. It didn't feel like the one between y/n and I. Oh well she was gonna play me anyway.

I keep kissing the girl and I just imagined that is was y/n. A few minutes later the boys told me that she was gone.

"You can go now" I say to the girl and she nods and walks away. I turn to the body and they look at me like what we had just done was bad.

"What?" I ask. "We shouldn't of done that" kairi mumbled. "What why! It worked didn't it?"

"It worked.. but it wasn't the reaction we were hoping for" Alvaro sighed. "What do you mean!?" I ask.

"Well let's just say she was pretty upset" roshaun stated. "What do you mean pretty upset?". At this point I was getting annoyed because they weren't telling me her reaction.

"Mattia She was crying as in crying crying, she even ran out of school.. I've never seen her like that before" Alejandro sighs.

"So, she was gonna do it to me anyways" I roll my eyes. "No she wasn't!" Someone said from behind me.

I turn around and see Leah.

"Yes she was, she's a player like you" I hissed. "What do a player can't grow feelings for someone now" she crosses her arms.

"I mean.. they could I guess, and anyway how do I know that your not lying, and that you just want me to get back with her so she can break my heart"

"Because she wounding do that to someone who she has caught feelings for... she's been hurt before" she pauses and sighs. "by the boy she loved, and that why she plays everyone. It's because she's afraid to trust someone, because she knows she'll get hurt, so she decided to hurt others to avoid getting hurt" she explains.

"And I guess you've just done that" she scolded. "If I was You I would apologize"

I nod and run out of school. I get in my car and drive to y/n's house. Once I get there I knock on her door. She didn't answer so I knocked again. And again.

I kept pounding on her door. She eventually opened the door a little. I could see her red puffy eyes, she had a blanket rapped around her shoulders and she had a stuffy nose.

"Go away mattia" she cried as she closed the door but I put my foot in the ya so she wouldn't close it.

"No! Mattia stop please just go to school"

"No y/n I came to apologize.. what i did was wrong and I shouldn't of done that. I just thought that you were gonna play me like what you did to the rest of the guys"

"Yeah... well you thought wrong" she sobs. "You know I actually like you but obviously you don't"

"You don't know that y/n" I exclaim.

"Yes.....yes I do Mattia Because if you did like me then you wouldn't have done that. You would of let our relationship be" she rolls her eyes.

She was right. I know I shouldn't of done it but I just wanted her to now how it feels.

"Listen y/n I'm so so sorry if I knew you actually liked me then I wouldn't of done it. I though he as just one of your "experiments'" I quote.

"Ok mattia" she scoffs. "Bye". "What no y/n I want to be with you... please" I cry.

She sighs. "Fine" she whispers. She opens the door and lets me in. We hug and I kiss her.

Later that day, we watched movies.

Y/n is now my girlfriend and we haven't played each other since. Ha

Hey guys sorry it's a shitty ending but I couldn't think.

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