Johnny's POV
Me and Mackenzie went to my house and showed her how much I like her cause my room is filled with her pictures in my wall, me and Mackenzie walked into my house, my mom opened the door

JoM(Johnny's mom):oh, hey son, who is lovely girl your with? Is this the girl you've liked for almost 3 years?

Jo:mom. Yes, she is so please can you leave us alone for a bit I will show her something in my room


Mom said while walking to the kitchen
Then she shouted



then me and Mackenzie went to my room

Jo:so Mackenzie this is my room

Mac:why is it filled with my pictures??

Jo:because I've liked you for so long. What my mom said was true, that I liked you for almost 3 years now


Jo:yes. And you know that I was a fuckboy since I was 12 and I liked you since we were 12

Mac:is this really real??

Jo:yes, I swear.

Mac:then why do you guys date other girls or play their hearts?

J:look I'm gonna tell you the whole story, so us boys and you girls came all to the school at the same time when we were all still 12 years old. w
We started going to the William B. Travis Prep School and actually Mace Jace and Hudson was already fuckboys at their old school. Me and the boys became bestfriends because we all have the same schedule and when you girls walked into the room we all stared at you girls except for Zack cause he said he don't have a type in any of the girls in school until Tomika came and we all know that Summer is isn't a victim of one of us. Mace jace and hudson said flirting with you girls will make you girls ours and we believed them we flirt with you girls and we all know that you girls were pretty annoyed and everyday of flirting with you girls is boys decided to be a fuckboys to and so we dated girls except for Zack because you girls won't like being with us but still I swear our hearts are still for you girls. And Zack it is his first time being inlove actually his wallpaper on his phone is Tomika.

Mac:really?? Is it all true

Jo:yeah I swear I really do.


Jo:so can you be my girlfriend now?

Mac:actually I have something so admit to.

Jo:what was it?

Mac:actually at the first day I met you I really liked you. But when I knew that you were a fuckboys I removed my feeling for you.

Jo:im so sorry. But I have changed now and I'm sure I'll never ever break your heart.

Mac:do you promise?

Jo:i swear I do.


Jo:so are you my girlfriend now


Jo:what? Why?

Mac:you didn't ask me properly.

I kneeled down the floor then I asked her

Jo:Mackenzie Frances Ziegler will you be my girlfriend?


I hugged her and kissed her forehead

Jo:i promise to take care of you I promise to love you so muchhh and I promise I'll never break your heart

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