My only one

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"Sometimes we hesitate because all the efforts we put in the relationship would be wasted once we call it off."

                          -credits to the owner

Prachi's POV:

This boy is going to miss his train again!

I took out my phone and dialled Nitin's number again. First three times he didn't received it however this time he did.

"Where are you honey? It's 6:49."

"I'm sorry, I overslept. You carry on, I won't be able to meet you today." He replied making me more angry now.

"What do you mean by you overslept? I have been calling you since 5:30, didn't you hear your phone ring?"

"Now this is happening every single day. I skip my first lecture so that I can meet you however I don't think you care about it anymore." I replied angrily.

"I don't tell you to skip lectures for me. You do it yourself. Stop blaming me."

"Fine. My mistake. Do whatever you want. I'm going." I said and waited for him to reply something but no, all I heard was the sound of call being disconnected.

"Hey and also bye, the train is coming. I can't miss it." I heard my friend Nandini. I looked towards the station and saw the train coming on the platform. Even I don't want to miss it!

"Nandini wait, I'm coming with you." I said and started walking with her towards the ladies coach. We both boarded the train and stood near the door as the very next station is our destination. I looked at Nandini and found her looking at me already.


"I'm shocked to see you come with me. Aren't you going to meet Nitin?" She asked. I wish but that boy doesn't wants too!

"No. He overslept." I replied.

"And you had a argument with him, right?" She asked and I just gave her a nod. Nandini is a good friend of mine she knows everything about my relationship with Nitin and so she would easily guess about our arguments just by looking at my face.

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine soon." She replied with a small smile. I knew she didn't mean it. She don't like Nitin, none of my friends do. Everyone keeps saying that our relationship has became toxic and it is not going to work in future but I trust the person I love. I know he loves me and will never do something which will hurt me.

"Maybe." I replied and came out of the train as it stopped on our station. On the way I met my other friend Diksha and started talking with her. Even she gave me a strange look obviously because I never attend my first lecture.

"What was the topic of argument today?" Diksha asked.

"I wore the top which he gave me and I wished to see him but no, he didn't wake. Can't he understand, morning is the only time I'm able to meet him after that he gets busy with his work and I get busy with my classes and you guys know about my mother, she hardly allows me to leave my house."

"It's ok. Like always, I know even this time you will sort things out." She replied.

Like always!

Ofcourse she was right, me and Nitin, we argue almost every day and stop talking but then one of us initiates and we get back to normal. We are in relationship since last 3 years. Earlier I was never interested in this topic of love but then I met Nitin and everything changed.

I was in 12th when I first saw him. He was a new member in our colony and a neighbour of us. Mom got mingled with their family every quickly however I used to dislike him. Firstly because, I was not interested in love and secondly because he used to keep staring at me. His stares used to scare me at that time and now, whenever he stares at me, I get turned on. No doubt I love him more than anything.

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