"Oh. Wow."

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Ever since you get to work with Daisuke Kambe, things have been hella hectic, considering how rich that guy was. You never approved his way, paying people up to get the information needed, for you, it was kind of unresponsible as an officer of the law.
But, nevertheless, there were some situations you needed to shut up and let him do his thing. Daisuke is a pretty boy, he almost reminds you of that one guy from the otome game you were playing back then because you were single and lonely. But even though he is rich and handsome, you were never attracted to him, like sure, he has everything but you just don't feel like it, having a crush in the job? That goes against your morals.

At least, Daisuke Kambe is a man you can tolerate from time to time, but it still baffles you how he could buy a building in a second and sometimes you were lowkey jealous because damn, imagine having that kind of money—
He still treats you like a co-worker, but your not stupid to know the guy is interested at you. God you could die from that smirk—

"So, why do you need me here again Suzue?" You asked the younger Kambe. Daisuke was curious about her little sister's invention, she instruct you to stand next to her brother. "Well there's this invention I made, I just want to test it on you two." She said, pressing some buttons and this made your eyes widened, "Woah woah hey, are you sure that's safe?"

"Of course it would be safe—" unknown what happened next, you just blacked out.

Which brought you here today in the park, something heavy was lying down in your lap. Slowly opening your eyes, you saw Daisuke, sleeping soundly in your lap. Looking around, you saw childrens running around the park, couples going on a date, and both of you are under the shade of the tree, the gently breeze gently caress your cheeks.

"We... were teleported?" You asked yourself then looking down at Daisuke. "Hey," you gently tap his cheek, "wake up." Slowly, he opened his eyes, revealing blue orbs that made everyone stop and stare. It really suits him, not gonna lie, he looks less of a jerk here. He sat up slowly, his hand rubbed his head.  "I think we got teleported." You said, standing up and Daisuke also follows. He kepts a nonchalant face, eyes darting here and there. "I think this is the park I mentioned to you before?"

"The one with the teenagers drug dealers?" He looked at you, still having that unimpressed face. Before you could answer, some cute voice interrupted you both. "Mommy! Daddy!"

The little girl with (h/c) hugs your leg and you almost fell down by the impact. "A-ah?" She looks up to you, her blue eyes sparkling with joy. "Mommy! I won the hide & seek against onii-chan!" You immediately look at Daisuke, he was also surprised to.

Attempting to remove the small child hugging your leg, you laugh nervously and look at the girl. "Kid, I think you got the wrong mother." She looks at you confuse before giggling. "Stop joking with me mommy! I know it's you!" Then she looks at Daisuke, "Daddy, mommy's being funny!"


You look at Daisuke with wide eyes and he was also surprised by this turn of events. "Ah?" She pouts and cross her arms playfully. "Do I need to remind you mommy? You always tell that story to me! You met daddy on the street because he almost ran over someone by accident! You never like him but daddy was a sweet boy! He made you fell in love and you said and I quote, "I became Kambe (y/n)!"


Oh God, she knows how we met? Is she even playing tricks? Before you could comprehend what's happening, another little boy ran to your leg and hug it. He has black hair and wide (e/c), similar to yours. This time you fell but Daisuke luckily caught you. "Oh God..." you whispered. They're twins.

Daisuke being quiet the whole time, decided to speak up, "How about you two play for a while?" He lets go of you and kneel down to their heights. They're not joking, you could see the similarities between them and Daisuke. The sparks in their eyes beamed up and nodded eagerly, running off again to the park.

He stood up and face your speechless figure. "Suzue told me we were time-traveled. She'll be fixing this in a minute, for now, let's stay here." Noticing you weren't speaking up, Daisuke became very concerned. "(Y/n)?"

"T-time traveled you say?" You said, finally speaking up and looking at him in his eyes. "Yes." He said, as if it didn't fazed him. "S-so all of this? Is real?" You stuttured. He just nods and had this confusion in his face. "It's going to happen in the future?"

"Yes, (y/n)."

"Oh. Wow." Then it became quiet again, then out of nowhere the scenery began to change.

In a blink of an eye, your back again in his mansion, Suzue standing there confused. "We're having... twins?"

You couldn't see it, but Daisuke smirked. "Yes Kambe (y/n)."

"I-I need to go and rest." You put your hand in your head and went to the elevator. The siblings watched your retreating form, Daisuke still smirking and Suzue is still confuse. "You two are actually gonna end up together?" She smiled teasingly and her brother look at her. "Yes, eventually."

"Oh. Wow." Suzue laugh and went back on her business while Daisuke still likes the idea of you guys married and had twins. Now, he only needs to have you.

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