The Elite Squad started slashing around its flesh and making it slow down. Apparently, after Erd had tried to slice away its fingers around the nape, its flesh turned into a hardened crystal and it had dented Erd's blades.

"So much for intelligence.." I muttered under my breath as I lunged again to stab both its eyes, nearly gouging one out making it unable to see its surroundings. "You should've at least a minute or so to regenerate your sight."

Petra and Gunther circled around its arms while cutting through its thick flesh to loosen its grip on the nape area. It finally gave up after sometime. Erd tried again and headed straight towards its nape. But seeing this as easy as it seems made me have a bad feeling...

From where I was standing, on the bridge of the Titan's nose, an eye suddenly opened through a smoke emitting socket.

It managed to regenerate one eye in seconds.

I looked towards Erd and shouted at him to stop. But the Titan had noticed its nearing blade towards its flesh and used a hand to grab him bone crushingly.

"ERD!!" Petra screamed as I maneuvered myself towards where Erd was and forcefully slashed its fingers. It came off after a few more slices and Erd was released, bleeding profusely and lifeless.

The Titan roared again and slapped away Gunther who was heading towards it. His body took a big hit from a tree and plummeted towards the ground.

"Petra! Get Gunther to safety now!" I commanded her as I took the man's gears off of him. Petra nodded and carried him by his stomach and headed towards a farther place from where we are.

"Ouluo!" I called out for the blond man and went by his side. "Don't you dare get killed. Let's slice this bitch up!"

*time skip- outside the forest (heading back to the walls)*

Third Person's POV

"We.. finally did it..." Petra said in between huffs as she clung onto a tree trunk, holding a canteen in hand.

"Yeah.. Well, it hadn't been for Eren if he hadn't arrived in time with the Commander." Ouluo agreed and collapsed to the ground, exhausted after completing their task;

The success of capturing the Female Titan.

Apparently, the former trainees of the 104th Squad had said that the person inside the Titan's body is named Annie Leonhardt after seeing her identity. All of them had been shocked at the result as she had killed many of the Scouting Legion's soldiers ruthlessly, especially two of the Elite Squad members Erd and Gunther.

"Where's the Corporal? I hand't seen her after we had taken Annie out of the Titan." Hanji came and asked the remaining Elites taking a breather before they set off a journey back to the walls.

"I haven't seen her. But I think after she had been sliced by the crystal claws of the Titan, she was limping away from us." Ouluo stated and drank again, a few trails of water escaped from the sides of his mouth.

"Thank you." Hanji nodded and walked back towards the forest. "And, I'm deeply sorry for Erd and Gunther."

"Yeah," Petra smiled sadly and looked up at the clear blue sky. "But, they didn't die in vain."

Hanji smiled back at the two and started walking when Levi jogged up beside her.

"Where's Plue?" He asked her in a flurry.

Hanji raised an eyebrow at him but answered his question. "She'd been last seen limping away from the fight earlier into another place in the forest, I believe."

"We have to find her. We'll be departing soon in 5 minutes." Levi started leading the way when we heard a rustle from afar. "Who's there?" He questioned, raising his voice a little.

"Levi?" A familiar voice echoed itself towards our direction and we quickly ran to the person. It was Plue and her eues were blood-shot. "Hanji." She smiled at the both of them, clutching onto one of her arms covered with her cloak.

"What happened?" Hanji asked her as she slowly lifted up the green material but Plue immediately slapped her hand away.

"It's nothing. We should head back." Plue struggled to get up without any help from the two. Seeing her limp on her own, they escorted her side by side out of the forest.

Plue's POV

What am I? That's the first thing I though after seeing my arm which had been dislocated by the Female Titan's crystalized claws earlier.

Shouldn't it be blood and bones? I looked at my arm which was filled with coloured wires all around but it was mostly red, blue and yellow.

'You're not ordinary, Plue.' The same voice in my head answered me. 'Your goal from the beginning is to exterminate all the titans and give these people Revolution.'

"But what is with these wires?! Why am I not normal?!" I whisper-shouted as tears were starting to form my eyes, forcing their way out to fall freely past my cheeks. The familiar pang of pain could soon be felt rising from my chest once again.

'The pain you're feeling right now, even those tears you've let put aren't real. They came from me when I was in this kind of situation like you are.'

"...what am I..."

'You're a robot, Plue.'

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