III |The Start of Something New|

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One step forward, two steps back.

          Many things lurk in the shadows, but for some reason, Mirela had found something she hadn't expected. Or rather someone. Hazel orbs narrowed into slits that belonged to a predator, her steps were soft as she stalked toward the back of a female Jack. With curiosity, but also a feral anger she hadn't felt in some time, Mirela circled the female pirate's wrist, pulling the un-expecting impostor around and toward her chest. The gypsy's back was pressed against the pub's wall, the sole of her right boot flush against the siding as well. The fake Jack was snagged between her leg, her body positioned so it looked like the pair were in a rather intimate moment.

          "Ye know, we gypsies don't take kindly to the theft of an identity." Mirela's free hand rose to caress the woman's neck, her fingertips dug warningly into the back of her neck. The woman Jack, something that would never be unseen tugged away from her with little to know use. Her teeth flashed in an attempt to be threatening, but Mirela had seen far scarier things, the woman trapped in her hold was a mere puppy in comparison. "Let go of me you wench." The words spat out at Mirela made her grin, her silver capped canines sparkled in the shadows.

          "I don't know why you're impersonating my Jack, but let this be your only warning." With that said, Mirela let the woman go and watched as she slipped away without so much as a word. Something didn't sit well with Mirela, a bigger storm then she had thought was apparently brewing. As Mirela turned to hopefully slink out of the pub and figure out what was exactly going on, her eyes met a pair of wide brown ones. Nothing happened for a moment, the two simply stared at each other. Jack looking very much like he'd seen a ghost. Slowly, Mirela sent him one of her fox like grins, her features looking even more inviting.

          The pirate took a step toward her, then another, and before she knew it Mirela was back against the wall, but this time she was the one trapped. "What took you so long, love?" His voice was smooth, the sound nearly having Mirela's knees go out. How long had she yearned to hear his voice, how long had she craved the very presence of him? "I got caught up, I'm sure you can understand." Her voice was a mere whisper, her hazel orbs flickered with such an urgency that Jack couldn't stand not to touch her any longer. His left hand rose to brush across his cheek, a self-satisfied smirk tilted his lips when she leaned into his touch. His right hand fell on her waist, his thumb circled across the fabric of her shirt.

          "We've a lot to get caught up on, darling." Chocolate orbs skimmed quickly across the scar on her cheekbone. Jack's heart ached at the mar on her creamy skin. Jack wasn't sure if this was a dream, it sure felt like one. He wouldn't deny that he had one too many of these dreams while she was gone, his body had craved her warmth more than he had realized, and now, while he was pressed up against her, he nearly lost all control. "Later Jack, right now you have an imposter to deal with." Her eyes sparkled with mirth, her lips peeled back to show him those capped teeth and he couldn't help but wonder what all had changed since she had left.  

          Mirela pressed her palm to his cheek, running her thumb across his cheekbone before she rose onto her tiptoes, her chest pressed flush against him while her lips sought his with an urgency they both couldn't deny. Kissing Jack after over a year was different than she remembered, it wasn't soothing nor did it calm her worried mind. This kiss was a storm, it caused her insides to burn with an assortment of emotions, and her mind to dip into insanity. It was a dangerous feeling for the already changed gypsy, but she had always enjoyed danger. Mirela was certain Jack felt the difference as well, he didn't hold her like he was afraid she would break, he held her like she was going to run. And maybe she would.

          Her teeth nipped sharply on Jack's bottom lip, earning her to be shoved harder against the wall. She didn't mind though. She enjoyed the new feeling, enjoyed the way Jack wasn't treating her like glass anymore. She realized when they had first met she was damaged, she understood why he had been careful with her. She appreciated it, cause at the time, that was what she needed. Now, Mirela wasn't damaged, she was hardened. She had played with danger just a little too much while she was gone, as a result, she was forced to lose some of her softer traits. Would she ever get them back? Maybe, but not anytime soon.

          Turning her head, Mirela sucked in a breath of much-needed air, Jack, however, continued to trail kisses across her skin. He craved the taste of her. Mirela placed a hand flat against his chest, causing him to pull his head back from her scarred neck and send her a questioning look. His brown eyes were filled with not just the twinkle of lust, but also an emotion Mirela hadn't seen since the first time he laid eyes on her. Once again Mirela had drawn out his curiosity. She had left him as a dangerous spark, one that loved too much. However, that wasn't what she had returned to him as. She was an entirely new riddle for him so solve, and this intrigued him all the more.

          "I'll be out of sight, but I'll be close, Jack." She grinned at him as she spoke, that fox-like grin had him shaking his head. At least something would always be the same with her. Even though Jack had many questions to ask her, some of more concern than the others, he knew he also had bigger worries at hand. With a gesture of her head, Mirela told him to go. Licking his lips, Jack kissed her once again before slipping off into the storage room of the pub and after his impostor.

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