Me: Okay, we'll get back to you when you can think of something. Orangie—


Me: Sorry...I gave you the nickname because it's fitting. Anyways, what's your question you got for me?

Kaito: Dorayaki is the best snack in the world right?

Yamamoto: Out of all the questions you could have asked her, that's the question you go with? Pathetic.

Kaito: I'm just trying to prove my point.

Me: Uh...I actually don't like a lot of Japanese food, especially dorayaki. Dorayaki is too dry for my taste.

Kaito: *gasp* How can you not like dorayaki? Everyone likes dorayaki!

Tami: *Awkwardly shifts in her spot.*

Me: You'd be surprised how many people don't like it. Okay, moving on, Yamamoto—

Yamamoto: I take it these questions can't be about what happens in the future in terms of the book.

Me: Correct!

Yamamoto: Then how am I best friends with that idiot?

Kaito: Ouch! That hurt!

Me: Because you two went to the same school, the the poor bloke hung around you. Even though you couldn't shake him off, you realized it was better just to deal with it than to make a big deal out of it.

Yamamoto: Yeah, that sounds about right.

Kaito: HEY! That hurts!

Me: Mhmm, but that's besides the point. Tami, have you thought about your question yet?

Tami: I think so. I know you said you can't tell us about our goals, er, what the future holds and all, but I noticed the book is called I'm No Hero...that's in relationship to me, isn't it?

Sakura: Tami-tan! How could you ever think that! You're going to become a great hero, and we're going to work together, no need to worry! The only one that's not going to be a hero from our class is Yamamoto.

Yamamoto: What did you just say?

Kaito: She has a point.

Yamamoto: Sakura, do you want to talk outside for a minute?

Sakura: I'd rather not. I'm comforting my friend right now, and besides, if you're going to want to go outside to beat the living shit out of me, you're proving my point.

Me: Sakura, language!

Sakura: Well, you're the one writing what we say. Shouldn't you have something to say about that?

Me: ...You know, I really hate your sass sometimes.

Sakura: Thanks!

Me: Okay, that's all the time we have for today.

Kaito: Oh come on! I was having a lot of fun with this! And Tami-tan barely said anything.

Tami: *Shifts in her spot again* It's okay. Honestly!

Me: No need to worry. The people reading this can ask questions if they want to. In fact, if you want to ask a question to any of the cast members of I'm No Hero, feel free to ask here.

Sakura: Just preferably not to Yamamoto. He's pretty grouchy today.

Yamamoto: Why you little—

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