Offensive (probably)

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Welcome! This is going to be a book where I vent about various things I hate to see in wattpad books. Over the years I have read hundreds of books and out of like 10% of those hundreds of books have been really good ones. I am here to give you the truth, and the truth hurts! For those who will be offended due to the fact that I am probably talking about a book YOU wrote, go ahead and leave or you can stay and agree with me! For those who can relate to the struggle.... PROCEED!

Disclaimer: I will not be attacking any SPECIFIC author or book. I am allowed to an opinion but I will not be bashing specifics, I will only be listing common atrocities among the hundreds of book on wattpad.

Wattpad cliches and really bad writing techniques Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant