Chapter twelve: Find the Funk tribe/two angry techno trolls

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The splash of multiple trolls land on the water was so loud, especially since they fell from such great height. But once Tessa and Trollex were in the water, they took a gulp of water to clear their pipes as soon they recovered from the force of the landing."FINALLY!"Trollex shout as he was about to help the others but stop when blue and white blurr zoom passed him.

"YES! FINALLY! WATER!"Shout Tessa as she stop zooming around, as DJ bark as it swim around her making her giggle a bit. She didn't know that Trollex was looking at her. Tessa look at him and saw him looking at her."Um.....Trollex? should we help the others??" she asked making Trollex snap out of it then quickly swim away to help the others as Tessa swim towards her drowning friends

As everyone was out of the water, Biggie start yelling about something."Where is Mr. Dinkles?!Mr. Dinkles?!" he start calling out as Trollex and Tessa look each other then Quickly dived down to look for the worm. When they saw Mr. Dinkles, who was Puffed up of water. Tessa swam down as she slowly grab it as she show it to trollex. The two mer trolls swam up as she pop out of the water.

Trollex watch Biggie panic about how to get Mr. Dinkles breathing again."Biggie! he's full of water, you need to get the water out of him!" Trollex told Biggie. Dj pop of the water as it start barking none sense as Tessa pulled him away."Dj no" she said as she slowly back away. But he could see exhausted look on Tessa face. 

The two watch as Biggie manage to got all the water out of the inflated worm. Mr.Dinkles, Which got it's consciouseness. Biggie was extremely  happy, as he hug the worm, with a large amount of relief. Trollex sighed in relief and felt something laying on his shoulder. He looks to his side to see Tessa, who was now asleep. He looks surprise at her making him blush a bit but he yawn in tiredness as he slowly sank down at the water as he slept as tessa sleep peacefully beside him.


Fredrick gasp as he takes a deep breath as Rox and Poseidon falls flat on the land as they come out of the water. Claire pulled Trollzart out of the water, as Cora came out of the water, as she shake herself off some water. She looks up to see that Delta and her trolls left after they fall. She sigh in relief as her ears perk up when Hickory cheered.

"There ya are, Whoo!" Cora made her way to her friends as she helps them up on their feet. Poseidon wobble a bit as he tries to get up. Rox shakes his head he made all water on his head away. Claire wave in front of Trollzart as he snap out of it. Then all the sudden poppy pulled Fredrick and his friends, except trollzart.

Rox gasp for air as he pat biggie's back as he said,"need.........air!" biggie let's them go. The five watch poppy talk to Hickory as they all walk away from branch. But Poseidon and Rox stop then look at branch to see jealousy in his eyes, making the two smirk and laugh a bit. Luckily Trollex woke up then woke Tessa up as she gave him tired look, but quickly follow him.

Trollex saw Branch's face looked confused, worried, maybe even little surprised. Trollex and Tessa swam their way to his side, kinda felling bad for him. Even Dj pop out of the river as he landed on Branch's hair, which he didn't mind of it.

"I loved your message about music bringing folks together, you may be pop and I may be country, but Trolls is Trolls."Hickory told Poppy with a smile, Fredrick and his friends and Trollex and Trollzart saw through out that entire statement, Branch only got more annoyed and frustrated. Jealous then.

The giggles giggles at that thought in their mind as she boys look at Branch with a smug look on their face. Trollex and Tessa couldn't hold their giggles as Branch suddenly said,"Trolls is Trolls" in a voice that meant to sound like Hickory before speaking normally,"Wow, deep" Rox said as he appeared beside Branch with a smirk on his face, looking at Branch who pulled his face away from him.

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