Chapter 2

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Vera POV:

We walk into the ship and all the memories come flooding back, I stop in my tracks and look at Claire

"I... I don't think I can do this...not right now V." Claire said

"It's now or never, we are literally standing on the origin of everything that happened...we can do this" I take Claire's hand and we make our way to reception.

"Hi welcome to Queen Mary, how may I assist you today?"

"Hi I called and booked room B340 for the next three days, under the name Vera Ruth."

The receptionist smile suddenly turns into a frown, "Vera Ruth... I'll be with you now, just quickly going to get your room key."

"Uh, thanks." I said sceptical

My eyes started to wonder around the room when it suddenly came to a stop, this guy was looking at me, in a way of discomfort, the hairs on my arms started to rise as a eerie feeling crept up my spine, I gave him a weak smile and looked away. When I looked back he was gone... Something, more than usual in this place

Colby's POV:

Standing in the elevator my mind started dwelling and I suddenly had an idea.

"Hey Jake that youtuber girls you were talking about, do you think you'd be able to find their youtube page or social media's?"

"Why the sudden interest Colby?" Jakes asked

"Maybe we could meet up with them you know, expand the fan base..." I covered my lie with a grin

"Yeah okay..." Jake unlocked his phone and within a matter of seconds he handed it to me, "There you go, Claire and Vera in the flesh."

"4 Million subscribers, damn, how have we not heard of them." Sam asked

"I don't know... Maybe we should DM them over the Sam and Colby instagram account, they do alot of haunted place videos, maybe this could be a collab, would you guys be down?" I crossed my fingers that they would all agree, I was curious what that eerie feeling was, there was something wrong and I was bound to find out.

"I mean if they are down, why not?" Corey said.

A feeling of relief came over me as I took out my phone and logged into our account

Claire and Vera
27 April 2020 14:05

Hi, this is most probably going
to be extremely random, but we
are currently staying at the
Queen Mary and we saw you guys
in the lobby, are you down to meet

Hi, oh wow, yeah we can
totally meet up, maybe in like
an hour? Just want to get
settled in first.

Yeah that's perfect, how about
we meet you at your room?

B340, see you at 5 then x

Sam's POV:

Colby looked up from his phone shocked... He looked a bit paler than usuasl which is worrying.

"Colby you good?" Jake asked

"They uh... they said that they'd be down to meet up in a hour." Colby said

"But that's great, why do you look so, anxious?" I asked concerned

"They said we should meet up at their room." Colby now looked me dead in the eye.

"And? Why is that a..." Just before Corey could finish his sentence Colby interrupted him,

"They are staying in room B340..."

We all just stood there, in silence... "Okay I know that that's not our favorite room, but now we can actually go in it, you know, we now have the opportunity..." I said trying to brighten the mood.

Colby's POV:

Sam was trying to make us feel better but in that moment it wasn't working, normally it wouldn't be that bad to go to that room but that girl is staying there, she of all people, their was something seriously wrong and in my gut I could feel... almost like a bad omen upon us.

The elevator opened which made me jump, the whole group looked at me and I could tell that they were worried.

"Sorry guys, honestly, when I looked at one of the girls in te lobby, I felt like..."

"Ohhhh Colby's in loveeee." Jake said and Corey joined in the mockery

"Guys stop, hear him out!" Sam said in a aggressive tone which honestly even scared me.

"You know what it's...stupid lets get to our room, settle in and then meet those girls okay?"

We all agreed and stepped off the elevator into the 6th floor. Never would I have ever thought that a normal night like this could turn into something beyond sinister.

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