I had a sword and dagger strapped around my waist just in case something went wrong.

Belive me when I tell you I feel pretty badass..

Suddenly I heard a loud 'thud' and I saw that Eustace had fallen face first on the ground when he tried to climb out of the boat. I sighed and Caspian spoke, ''Are you're certain he's related by blood?" Lucy just sighed and Ed rolled his eyes and we continued to walk. Ed was by my side while Caspian grabbed his crossbow just in case. Lucy on the other hand started to look around a little.

Suddenly bells went of scaring the hell out of me and in shock I grabbed Edmund's hand. He squeezed my hand and intwined out fingers. I swear I never want to let go of his hand. I looked at him still a little shocked by both of the events and he smiled at me reassuringly.

''Reepicheep, stay here with Drinian's men and secure the place. We'll head on.'' Caspian said walking closer to where Ed, Reep and I were standing, ''If we don't come back by dawn, send a party."

Ed grabbed his sword and I grabbed mine, my right hand still holding onto his left. Yes, I am left handed, so yes I can fight with left. We walked through the gate into a creepy and cold place. I shivered slightly and I felt Ed squeeze my hand again. We started to look around, but it seemed like no one was there...


Suddenly a very nervous looking Eustace walked closer. ''Yeah, it looks like nobody is in. Do you think we should head back?"

I raised my brow at him and Ed and I shared a look. Then we looked at the doors behind us. Caspian opened them slowly. ''Do you want to come here and guard... or something?" Edmund said looking at his cousin. ''Ah, yes.'' Eustace said running over. "Good idea cousin. Very, uh, Logical."

We all looked back at him and I sighed.

This boy is going to get himself killed.

I let go of Ed's hand, which I immediately missed the warmth from, and handed Eustace my dagger. ''Please, Eustace don't do anything stupid." I said to the boy and he quickly nod and looked at the dagger. I sighed, again, and turned around to walk in with the others. Ed waited for me at the door and held out his hand, which I took happily, and he pulled me inside while handing me the torch

We slowly walked in and I immediately got creeped out by this place. Cages were hanging from the ceiling and there were creepy statues around us. Ed noticed my look for fear and smiled softly at me and kissed my cheek.

And my face turned red again.

"I am ready to go when you are!" We heard Eustace call from outside. I could see Edmund roll his eyes and we walked further. When we got to the middle of the building we saw a table with a book on it. Names were in it and some of them were crossed out. ''Who are all this people?" Lucy asked looking at the names. "Why have they been crossed out?" Edmund added, looking at me. "It looks like some kind of fee." I said, looking back at the names. "Slave traders." Caspian said slightly shocked.

Suddenly the bells went of and we all jumped away from the table. I put the torch in my belt and grabbed my sword. Ed let go of my hand and got into a battle position. Ropes were dropped down and man slid of them with a weird maniac like laughter.

And we all started to fight.

This man came up to me, looking me up and down and took a swing at me. I blocked his attack quickly and started to fight. More of them came up and I back away a little. I felt my back being pressed against another one and when I took a quick glance behind me and locked eyes with Edmund. I quickly broke the stare and turned to stab the man who was about to kill Edmund. I dove my sword through his stomach and Ed did the same thing behind me.

I guess we both weren't focusing.

After that, our shoulders were pressed against each other. ''Thanks.'' We both whispered as we looked at each other. We backed away from each other and started to fight again. Until a girly scream made us all stop. We looked at the direction where it came from and we saw a man walking in, holding my dagger to Eustace's neck and slammed the door behind him.

''Unless you want to hear this one squeal like a girl again.'' The man said. "I'll said you should drop your weapons."

"Like a girl?" Eustace managed to get out while panicking.

"NOW!" the man commanded us and we dropped our weapons slowly. Edmund looked really annoyed and was glaring angrily at his cousin. "Eustace." He huffed angrily.

Now is probably not the moment, but sometimes I think Edmund has a man period.

Just saying.

"Put them in irons!" The man commanded and the creepy looking people walked closer to us and started to put on handcuffs. 2 man grabbed me and I screamed, "GET YOUR BLOODY HANDS OF ME YOU FILTHY LITTLE-" But I was cut of my one of those man putting his hand in front of my mouth.

"Send those 3 to the market." The leader said looking at Eustace, Lucy and me. "Send those 2 to the dungeons." He added signaling to Ed and Caspian.

'Listen to me, you insolent fool!" Caspian yelled angrily at the man. "I AM YOUR KING!"

The man who was holding me from behind started to roam his hands around my body and I screamed again and started to trash around. ''LET GO OF ME YOU BLOODY IDIOTS JUST FUC-" I was cut of when the man in front of me slapped me in my face". "You're going to pay for that.'' Edmund growled angrily at the men who were holding me.

"Actually..." This other man said walking in, "someone is going to pay.... for all of you."

Suddenly, Lucy, Eustace and I were pulled away from Caspian and Ed. "NO! EDMUND!" Lucy and I both yelled. "KATE, LUCY!" I could here Edmund yell back at us. "NO, NO, LET ME GO! EDMUND!" I yelled trying to get out of the mans grasp.

"EDMUND!" Lucy and I both yelled before they were out of sight.

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