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Set after Natural Born Killer (Also for the sake of this story Haley isn't an existing character ✌️)


"Agent Hotchner!" Gideon called after Hotch as he caught up to the man who was waiting for the elevator. Aaron turned his head to the voice, "Jason?"

"How are you feeling?" Gideon asked as he approached. Hotch sighed, "Fine. You?"

The elevator opened and as the team piled in Jason caught sight of the red fist marks on Hotch's face. Internally he cringed. Hotch clicked the button to their floor in the hotel. The case was solved but it was already 2 am. The team had agreed to stay at the hotel an extra night and rest. Gideon was shaken out of his trance by the ding of the elevator signalling the other people on the elevator were getting off. The older man looked at his secret boyfriend, "I know your not fine, and before you start protesting I'm not going to make you talk about it. I just want to offer you a place in my room for a bit so you can cool off because what you said in that interrogation room was from experience. And I know drudging up old demons is hard so, I have beer and a TV and you look exhausted."

"I'm not in the mood for-"

"Just tv then," Gideon knew the team wouldn't understand there code.

"Sure," Aaron nodded. The elevator opened to there floor and they both went into Gideon's room.

Hotch cringed as he loosened his tie before a second set of hands swatted his away. Jason carefully untied the soft fabric with ease then moved on to the jacket button before pulling it off his lover's shoulders. Next he began unbuttoning the white button up focusing on popping each button  while putting as little pressure on Hotch's sore skin as possible. Then he slowly untucked the shirt from the dark haired man's dress slacks. Hotch grabbed his hands, "I got it."

"I know but just let me do it. You don't need your 'macho man' front right now Aaron just relax I have you," Jason smiled gently. Hotch loosen his grip, "Fine but I need a shower."

"Okay, you climb in the shower, I'll go grab you something more comfortable than your suit," Gideon teased and took the room key from Hotch's wallet. He walked next door and grabbed a clean pair of clothes and an ice bag. He closed the door only to be met with a grinning Morgan who had been on the way to his room, "How's Hotch?"

"Oh, umm, good. He's just going to bed."

"We both know better than that. I also know he's in your room. Just, keep an eye on him, dude's crazy. Wouldn't even let me shoot a guy that was litteraly trying to kill him."

"Yeah, that sounds about right. He'll be okay." Gideon said happy to know that the team cared about the man as much as he did about them.


Hotch looked himself over in the bathroom mirror as he climbed out of the shower. He had bags that looked like they were holding up there own bags and bruises lined his neck from his hands trying to keep the wire off his neck. He scrubbed a towel across his face and hair to dry them and wrapped another around his waist seeing as he had not heard Jason return. He opened the door and laid out across the bed that looked like it had been slept in to wait for his boyfriend to return with his clothes.

Soon enough the door opened and Jason was at his feet trying to coax him into boxers. Was he really that tired today? The rest of the process was a bit of a blur as he tiredly pulled on boxers and a pair of sweats. Jason changed and crawled into bed next to him. Jason looked over his cut and set a small bag of ice on his jaw before Aaron tucked himself next to his boyfriend drifting off to the feeling soft hands raking threw his curls.


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