keeping it simple

Start from the beginning



"Oh wow. Mike, that was so beautiful." El finally choked out, the tears very much evident in her eyes. "I can't believe you wrote all that."

"If my memory serves, you did ask me to write you something beautiful." He reminded her, the realization over what he was referring to hitting El in an instant, causing her to lose it.

"Oh, I believe I see some tears." Mike teased, bringing a hand up to wipe away the fallen tears from her cheeks. "How many bonus points did that get me?"

Soft laughter fell from her lips, while she dazedly shook her head. "All the bonus points in the world, come here."

El nearly yanked him over to her, her lips devouring his like there was no tomorrow. Her emotions had taken control, making her want as much of him as she could get.

As their lips meshed together, her hands clutched onto his shirt, keeping him from moving so much as even an inch away from her. Mike certainly didn't mind, though he hadn't planned on moving anyways, not when she was kissing him the way that she was.

The two continued to get lost in the sweet taste of one other, until El had no choice but to take a breather, pulling away just enough to rest her forehead against his.

"You make me so happy, Mike Wheeler."

"As do you, El Hopper." He tenderly spoke, making the move to kiss her again. He stopped before he'd reached her though, remembering what was waiting for her outside. "Oh, almost forgot, I have one more thing for you. Stay right here."

Mike rushed out before she could even reply, eager to bring in her last gift.

"Oh my God!" She squealed once he had returned, now holding a teddy bear almost as big as her, literally.

Mike was afraid it would be too big or maybe just too childish for her liking, but judging by the look on her face, it was the perfect gift.

What he didn't know though, was that the very thing El had always wanted out of Valentine's Day was, in fact, a giant teddy bear.

So, yes. It was the perfect gift.

After their responsibilities for the day had all been taken care of, the two spent a rather chill night together, celebrating the holiday. Mike was insistent on reminding El that he would've gone all out for her, that it was what she deserved, but she made it clear each time that there was no need for him to make a big deal out of it.

All she wanted was to be with him, nobody else but him, which is exactly what she got.

Mike had cooked for her, yet another amazing meal, then they cuddled up on the couch and watched scary movies. Most people might not want to spend what should be a romantic holiday that way, doing something so mundane, but to her, it was perfect.

It was so perfect that she didn't want the day to ever come to an end. She just wanted to live in that wondrous state of bliss she'd been in with him, forever. No more classes, no more work, just Mike.

But after a bit more of their silly movie commentary and cuddling up to one another, they had no choice but to part ways for the night. It was already later than usual and she had to be up pretty early the next morning for class.

She'd get to see him again tomorrow though, that fact alone being the only thing that managed to get her to start walking toward the door.

"Thank you for today, Mike, really. It was everything I wanted it to be."

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