The new/old neighbor pt-2

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A/N- So it turns out my story isn't really popular just yet. I've waited long enough and I feel bad to not upload again. Hence here's part 2 to the last chapter.

Hope you enjoy... 

*Blondie's POV*

I walk into the living room to see her awkwardly standing in the middle, "Well as you have made yourself comfortable in my house you can make yourself comfortable on my couch too."

 This makes her huff and she plops down on the couch. Still having a big smile on my face I turn towards the kitchen," Anything to drink?"

 "No thank you." 

I grab a bottle from the fridge and walk back to her, and get seated on the loveseat placed adjacent to the couch. "So do I get to hear this obviously interesting story?" I ask, pointing at her bandages. 

"Listen, there's nothing interesting about it. Even you can guess it if you tried," she states in a matter-of-factly voice, definitely annoyed beyond extent now. 

"Okay, so I'm going to take this opportunity to put my Sherlock Holmes skills to test." It got tougher every second to hold my laughter back. This is not how I usually behave with people, but for some reason, it feels super entertaining to do this with her.

 "So.... accident? No, wait, a car accident?" It was definitely the easiest thing to guess.

 "No shit, Sherlock!" she exclaims.

 I make a thinking face, this time genuinely trying to guess why she came into my house. But she didn't really enjoy the fact that I took that much time, though it was not even 5 minutes of us sitting silently.

 "Know what Sherlock? I feel like solving this one for you. I had a car accident yesterday. I landed up in the hospital but told them to not call anyone. So today morning they dropped me off but I did not want to go back home while they were still there-"

 "Who's they?" 

"My parents. Anyway, both of them will leave for work soon, and then I can go back over to my house and lock myself up in my room. So yes I shall take asylum in your house for some more time. Then I'll leave and you shall never have to see me again."

 "Ooo am I that bad of a neighbor?" I ask, feigning fake offense.

 "I've known you for 10 minutes at the most and that is not sufficient time to judge someone." 

"Yes I agree a 100% but you see this fact cannot be ignored that I did let you stay in my house even though you broke in and there was a cop car right outside."

 "But then what sort of a neighbor will you be if you can't help the next door people out?" she smirks. 

My already existent smirk turns wide into a smile," you got me there. Any way you can make yourself comfortable, I also need to get to work. You can leave whenever you want and let's see when does fate get us in the same room again." 

"Calm down tiger, we live next door to each other, that's enough for now" Smiling down at her I walk into my room to take a shower.

Walking back out dressed and ready for work I see her nowhere, rather there was a note placed on the table 'Thanks. I owe you one ;)' Smiling I shove the note in my jeans pocket and move on to go to work.

Twisted Steel and Sex Appeal (MacGyver 2016)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt