They were only afew steps outside the dorm building, and really, no one was around, but there was a chance that someone would see.

And while it was normal for friends to hug, obviously, Mirio knew how uncomfortable public displays of affection made Tamaki.

"No, when we get inside."

"Oh, okay." Mirio looked a bit concerned, "Are you okay? You don't normally ask for hugs just..out of the blue."

"You know I get clingy when I'm tired." Tamaki stated. It wasn't a lie.

"Right." Mirio naturally adjusted his walking so that he was a bit closer to Tamaki, "Want me to stay the night at yours? We can snuggle." Mirio joked.

"I'd actually really like that."

Mirio was somehow both surprised and unsurprised by that. He chuckled, "Must be really tired then, huh?"

Tamaki nodded, yawning. It was a bit forced, he wasn't actually that tired, but it was a good cover for just simply wanting affection.


Mirio made Tamaki's bed as Tamaki watched, offering to help many times.

"Do you ever make your bed? Mirio joked, "It seems like every time I come over I have to make it for you."

"What's the point in making my bed if I'm going to mess it up immediately by sleeping in it?" Tamaki deadpanned.

Mirio was the only one who had ever seen this side of him. The side of him that was a bit apathetic and, as he dubbed it, lousy.

Mirio was okay with it, he knew Tamaki's mental health was a big issue when it came to doing menial things, he kind of just didn't have the energy for them.

He had never been in that position himself, but he could atleast help.

"How about this." Mirio said, fluffing a pillow, "Your reason for making the bed is that it can always be made when I come over." He half joked.

"But you don't come over nearly enough for that to be a real reason."

"Okay, then how about I come over more? A clean bed will make me want to do so more. See? It's a win win."

Tamaki didn't really get the logic, but as long as it made Mirio want to visit more he didn't care.

He just wanted more opportunity to cling to him, he didn't really have the confidence to at school.

Mirio sat on Tamaki's bed, "Well we've got afew hours before bedtime," Bedtime being curfew, "What do you want to do?"

Tamaki sat next to him, "I think I'm going to go to bed early." He said, "I'm too tired to really focus on anything."

"Okay." Mirio said, turning to him, "How about I make us some of that tea and we--or I guess more so I can watch a movie on my laptop?"


"Cool, I'll be right back."

Mirio grabbed two teabags that he had given Tamaki and headed out of Tamaki's dorm and to the kitchen, eventually returning with two foam cups--thankfully with lids as the elevator was quite shaky, filled with the tea.

He sat next to Tamaki, who had taken the liberty of getting it Mirio's laptop for him and plugging it in. It was the least he could do. If he was honest, Mirio doing all these things for him made him feel a bit useless. He knew he had to take better care of himself from now on. He just honestly didn't really care about himself enough to do much, but he'd be damned if he didn't take any opportunity to do something for someone else. He was just one of those people.

"Now Tamaki." Mirio said, handing Tamaki a cup, "I want you to start trying to go to bed at more decent times." He said, "I know you have a hard time sleeping but constantly going to bed past midnight isn't going to help." He reached up and ruffled Tamaki's hair, and touch Tamaki happily leaned into, even though he was technically being scolded.

"Just look out for yourself for me, okay? I really care about you."

Tamaki nodded, "All I can do is try."

"That's all I need."


Mirio smiled at the sound of soft snoring coming from Tamaki.

He took the cup from the boy's hand and placed it on the nightstand, shutting his laptop and placing it as well.

He turned to Tamaki, who sleepily cuddled into his chest.

Smiling, he held the boy close, "Maybe if you stopped worrying about everything else so much, you'd realize that there's a possibility I might like you back." Whispered, kissing Tamaki's temple.

Had he accidentally read a page of Tamaki's diary not knowing what it was? Yes. Had he suggested coming over because of it? Absolutely.

He knew when Tamaki was going to be clingy, and he liked when Tamaki clinged to him. He just wished the boy would make his feelings more known. He couldn't even imagine Tamaki's reaction if he asked him about his crush. He'd most certainly deny it.

Mirio looked at the boys sleeping face, wondering, how could he not love someone so precious back?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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