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The boys ran over breathing heavily. Harry stomped up to me slapping my face hard. i winced but gave him a stern look

He screeched, his voice echoing through the forest.

He grabbed my arm tightly and we all walked back to the house. the boys were pretty quiet on the walk back and none of them dared to look back at me and harry, apart from the niall giving me a quick wink earning him a glare off Harry. God damn he's gorgeous but that doesn't excuse the fact that he kidnapped me.

once we got to the house we all went to the kitchen, me getting dragged along.

harry spoke "right.. whats your name?"

"You kidnapped me and you don't even know my bloody name "

he dragged me to the sink turning the hot water on and putting my hand under it, i remained silent for a while but the burning became worse

"Margo, Margo grace" i whispered looking harry straight in the eye, i saw pain in his eyes but that was quickly covered up with anger.

"RIGHT, margo, its time for your rules-"

"you've got to be kidding"

He grabbed my hand the burning stinging more

"ok ok"

"well rule #1 you will do what we say if you disobay you will be hit, #2 you're mine and #3 run away once more and the pain you suffer will wipe that smirk off your face, understood?"

i remained silent a smile linguring on my lips. a hand hit my cheek

"yes" i forced out.

"good. these are the boys.. louis (he pointed to the one that carried me out of the car, he had brown hair and the cutest nose) liam(i hadnt really seen liam before now, but his eyes looked softer that the others, his brown hair was nice and tidy and his muscles could be seen through his shirt) zayn(zayn the mysterious one.. he looked dangerous but still he was attractive tattoos covered his arm, his dark brown eyes made him even more mysterious) and niall (he stood looking at me with a smirk, our encounter earlier lingured on my mind, hes bad news but he's gorgeous) okay boys me and margo are going upstairs"

he grabbed my hand pulling me with him, up the stairs and into a room

it was a rather lovely simple room, white everything apart from the paintings hanging on the walls giving the room some colour, there was a door that lead to a bathroom. There was a nice king sized bed in the corner and a couch on the other side of the room.

"This is our room" harry said

"our? Im not staying" i stated

"Ha you're not going anywhere love. So lets have some fun, try and lighten you up" he said

he turned locking the door and walked up to me, a smirk playing on his lips, lust written over his green eyes, his tall figure towering mine, he pushed me onto the bed getting on top of me pinning me down. His hips rolled into mine, his bulge growing with the heated friction. making me freeze slightly

My now rosy cheeks answered his question

"I'll take it slow" he said moving his hand undoing my button.

"NO please harry no" i said tears brimming

i saw something flash through his eyes, guilt maybe but that was gone replaced with lust.

"not so tough no then are you" he smirked

he pulled down my trousers slightly his hand rubbing my clit through my knickers, i gasped a little but my eyes widened when he moved my knickers to one side

"harry no, i'll do anything"

"I just want to taste you baby make you feel good" he lustfully replied. i squirmed underneath him trying to escape but his grasp was too strong.

his hand went up to his mouth sucking on his finger, when he took it out he made a pop sound and then he took his wet finger back down to my crotch. slowly he circled my entrance and dipped his finger in. a single tear rolled down my face. his pace was slow but it was still uncomortable. i couldnt look at him.. the new sensation made me bite my lip. i didnt know what i felt when harry's touch left my body, dissapointment, happiness.. his finger went back up to his mouth taking in my juices that wetted his finger.
"Mmm, to be continued" he said getting off me and leaving the room.

taken - by one direction (dark harry)Where stories live. Discover now