Wanted Men

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{Swearing, light smut}
*kinda sucks*

Tweek was a little scared, he got paid extra just to go to some guys house. Okay, it wasn't just "some guy". It was his favorite customer Craig Tucker. A supposed Lawyer that visits and asks for Tweek every Friday. Even though Craig did seem pretty nice compared to everyone else Tweek had to entertain. It make his stomach churn at the possibility of getting murdered by someone he thought highly of.

The black sleek and expensive car came to a stop at a beautiful penthouse on top of the hills that surrounded their city. Tweek had grown up in this city, saw it when it was just the small South Park town. He'd never gotten a view from above though. Just stepping out of the car and looking over the cliff gave him goose bumps under his pink feather boa and revealing work uniform.

The city was heavily illuminated by the glitz and glamour but the best part of the view was that you could clearly see the sky's natural lights that the city smog always covered from Tweek apartment. The moon was full and made Tweeks skin glow like a gods.

"Come on Tweeky" A deep nasally voice cut into Tweeks thoughts, a suit cladded arm outstretched towards the blond to lead him inside. "Okay" was the last word exchanged as pale arms wrapped around a built arm.

Inside the house was luxurious and rich. The house was updated with technology that Tweek didn't even knew existed. He shivered and pressed against Craig's front when they made it to the living room. Tweek assumed this is where Craig would like it best. Most people don't like hookers or sluts in their beds.

"I'm so cold Craig... care to warm me up?" Tweek spoke, his voice a little raspy and rough. Craig has complimented him excessively about it. He wanted to get it over with fast so that he could leave and stop thinking about all the ways Craig could kill him with the various items scattered around the rooms.

"I'll turn the heater up, but you can take my jacket for now" Craig said, telling the system in his house to raise the freezing temperature as he shucked off his suits covering. He gently wrapped it around Tweeks short frame and made sure to fluff Tweeks boa over it, making the man look a little cuter than sexy.

Tweek gripped the jacket and fought the urge to bring it to his face. The faint scent of Craig cologne surrounded him and made him calm down more.

"The bedroom is over here and I have some clothes if you'd like to change. I have to make a quick phone call so make yourself comfortable." Craig walked over to a large hazel door, opening it and walking away. He pulled out an expensive looking phone and quickly dialed some numbers before holding it to his ear and stepping out onto the balcony. His voice was muffled but had a serious tone.

Tweek felt even more on edge, taking small steps closer to the open bedroom. He walked so carefully that his heels barely clicked under his feet.

The bedroom was as fancy as the rest of the house, silk sheets adorned the bed and probably had a thread count higher than Tweeks body count. Both sexually and murderously.

A glint on the table caught Tweeks emerald eyes quickly, making him go ridged and filled with panic. He rushed forward and took the shiny black metal into his hands, careful to not point the barrel of it towards himself.

Craig had a gun.

On his bedside table.

He was a rich wealthy man.

Craig x Tweek One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now