I plop down on his couch as I rest my head back to try and stop my mind from spinning.

I sense a presence and I open my eyes to see Timothée handing me a cup of water. "Where are your crutches?" He asks sitting beside me in the couch.

"Your on crack if you think I was going to crutch around the club" I roll my eyes at him as I sip my water.

"Your such a pain in the ass" he teases as I playfully hit him.

I set my water on the coffee table, next to his beer, my eyes now fixing on what is on TV.

"That's you" I gasp, pointing at the screen that was playing Timothée on the Jimmy Kimmel show.

He grins at me with a nod. "Yep that's me"

I continue to watch the interview as many questions are asked and answered, my eyes focusing on him.

He looked good even on TV.

"You look hot" I speak without thinking. "Not that you don't look hot everyday but you look extra hot there" I continue, still staring at the TV.

He laughs at my drunk words that I wouldn't remember tomorrow. I turn my focus towards him, now studying his features in real life.

A sudden spark of adrenaline rushes through me as I reach over and pull him to me by the collar of his shirt, smashing my lips onto his.

Sober me would never

At first he's taken aback but soon his lips move in sync with mine. His hands move to my waist as he lays me down on the couch, now hovering over me.

We pull apart as we struggle to catch our breaths, his chain hanging over me, making this situation even more hot.

His eyes are studying my face as mine are doing the same to him. Our lips meet each other again as my hands run through his hair and his hands explore my body.

He kisses down my neck as he sucks on the skin, causing me to bite my lip to suppress any noise from coming out.

I cup his face in my hands as we continue to intensify our kiss. After only a short time, Timothée pulls away causing me to groan in despair.

His lips are now swollen and red, making him even more attractive, if possible. "Adeline your drunk"

"Okay so?" I ask, confusion present in my voice.

He laughs slightly as his once lust filled eyes soften. "I don't want you to regret anything when your sober"

I sigh in frustration. "Why can't you be an asshole for one time" I whine.

I'm acting like my virgin ass wouldn't freak out if he tried having sex with me.

He laughs as he places a single peck on my lips, climbing off of me and walking into the kitchen.

I quickly get to and follow behind him, feeling my stomach grumble at the thought of food. "I'm hungry" I note as he chuckles. "I figured" he replies looking through the refrigerator.


I stare at my messy reflection in the mirror of Timothée's spare bathroom. I'm changed out of my clubbing clothes and into one of his t-shirts and a pair of his boxers.

I walk out of the bathroom, flipping the light off, and make my way to the bed. I lay down and stare at the ceiling in darkness.

I hate sleeping alone.

Usually it's not issue sleeping at the dorm because Ashley and Eden are only a few feet away from me. But at Timothée's I'm a whole room away.

As a kid I never could sleep solo. I always had to sleep with my mom. I grew out of the habit once I grew older and started having sleepovers but even sometimes as a 19 year old, I would creep into her room and snuggle up next to her as if I were 7 again.

I don't know where or how I formed this fear of sleeping alone but it was still very prominent in my mind.

I blame my daddy issues

I let out a frustrated sigh as I can practically feel the seconds tick by. I'm not sure why I'm sleeping in a separate bed than Timothée considering we nap together all the time. Sleeping is just like a long nap.

I let my anger get the best of me as I slip out of the bed I was once in and make my way into Timothée's room, only to find that he isn't in his bed.

My mind fills with confusion that is quickly interrupted by the door leading to his attached bathroom, swinging open to reveal a freshly showered Timothée. The only thing covering him was the towel that was loosely wrapped around his waist.

My eyes go wide and my cheeks turn a bright shade of red. I immediately look down to my feet as I feel his stare.

"Hi Adeline do you need something?" He asks walking over to me.

My eyes are still boring into the carpet beneath my feet, not daring to look up. "I- um- I...can't sleep and i was uh... wondering if I could sleep with you tonight" I stutter feeling my heart pounding against my chest.

"Oh of course you can" he replies as I see his feet now right in front of mine. I raise my head to look at him, the heat rising back to my cheeks.

He smirks knowing his effects on me. "Are you nervous about something?" He asks tauntingly.

"Fuck you" I manage to whisper out, knowing that he's doing this on purpose. Our eyes are still intensely connected and my heart beats even faster.

"You know you want to" he winks as he backs away and grabs a pair of clothes from his dresser and retreating back to his bathroom.

He exits the bathroom a quick minute after entering while I'm still standing against his door frame, my mind in shock of what he just did.

"Are you gonna sleep standing up or are you going to join me?" He asks as I shake myself from my thoughts, walking over to his bed.

As I slip under the covers, Timothée pulls my body towards his. I rest my head on his chest as his arms are wrapped around me. Just like magic, I feel my eyes slowly shut and my body drift to sleep.

1735 words
hope you liked this one:)
thank you for all the reads!

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