Not So Lonely Struggles

Start from the beginning

By the time I got in, dad should be asleep so I could shower and go to bed. Yes, that would work. That was pretty foolproof. That's what I'd go with. The rest of the day was rather smooth. Finally, it was my free period and I had 2 hours before I had to be back at the building for detention. I walked to the entrance. Getting to the parking lot, I remembered I had Aiden come pick me up. So after spending 3 full minutes cursing to myself for my own flaw I started walking home. It was about a thirty minute walk but I jogged some of it not wanting to be left to think that long- it could cause some problems for my mood.

I didn't even realize I made it home till I was opening the door. That was nowhere near 30 minutes but I didn't pay too much attention to it because technically it was a good thing. It gave me more time to set my plan in motion. I cooked steak and potatoes. While I waited for the steak to finish cooking, I wrote a note that I hoped was good enough. I put it on the counter. I texted Paris, then took the meat out. I made us both a plate, putting them away, mine towards the bottom. I cleaned up quickly. When I walked out the door, I thought I would give the Jeep another try to see if she would start. Wrong. Nope, it was a dead deal, so I started walking again after making sure everything was locked up. I pulled out my phone to text Paris again. It must have been her break because we got in a heated conversation about the best Star Wars movie. Of course it was episode 4 but she was saying it was 7.

(Ok so look I have not seen ANY of these movies and I won't be watching them. However, I did look up others' opinions of the movies and used that.)

I stopped dead in my tracks. Someone was following me. I acted as normal as possible. I was holding my emergency button. School let out so all I had to do was make it to a populated area. I speed walked naturally, but I started jogging again. I made it to the building not long after. My mood dampened with every step to Harris' class. Just get through the hour, Stiles, it'll be ok. I took a seat in the middle of the class. There were only 3 other students there. One hour that's it. I felt my phone vibrating, but I couldn't check it, so I just resigned to drawing again.

"Ok, get out, detention's over," Harris called, pulling me out of my focus. I packed up, practically running out. I pushed the doors open to find one of the twins on their bike. It was Aiden again. He pushed up the screen holding the other helmet out to me.

"I think you managed to forget that you asked me to come get you this morning." I smiled, taking the helmet and getting on the bike quickly. He pulled off fast, making me tighten around him. I think he liked it. I shook off the thought once we pulled up. I got off, leaving the helmet where I was sitting. Aiden opened the door for me and I nodded at him, walking past.

"Hey Stiles," Paris said, getting up and giving me a hug.

"Hey Paris, and don't think we're done with that conversation. You are a disgrace to the S.W community," I said back. Her hand flew to her chest in dramatic false hurt. I chuckled at her. I ignored the twins when I heard them growling lowly as she hugged me. I was hoping she didn't hear them. If she did, she didn't mention it.

"When do you get off?" I asked. She glanced at her pink and gold watch.

"Two and a half hours." I sat down.

"Perfect. Could you bring me some tea?" She smiled, walking away to actually do her job. I looked at the twins. I didn't push or rush them. I got my tea and patiently waited for them to start talking. They were having what I can only assume was a telepathic conversation with each other. 40 minutes later, Ethan started to talk.

"We wanted to apologize to you." I choked on my tea, not expecting them to say that at all.

"What are you talking about?" I was confused but I was willing to listen.

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