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I want to be sorry for how long this took to get out, but I am not. Life is hard for a depressed adhd filled anxiety having ambivert that just started back classes. Thank you anyway enjoy the shit show to ensue because I got popcorn



As my brain slowly woke, it tried to figure out why I was aching so much. Finally, my eyes pried themselves open. The culprits 2 werewolves and a human tangled with, around, and on top of me. Very slowly, I managed to untangle myself from the puppy pile. I got up, going to the kitchen. I made coffee and started breakfast. I was so thankful for a break from constantly worrying about my safety, from the lies, the hiding, the pain.

I was drinking coffee staring at the floor. I got so far lost in my head that Aiden managed to startle me when he touched my arm. I didn't even hear him come in.

"Morning, hungry?" I asked, setting my coffee down. He nodded, sitting down.

"Are you okay Stiles?" He asked carefully. I sighed out of exhaustion.

"I'm okay." I said without turning around.

"So, what was that with Peter?" I gripped the handle of the refrigerator harder, stilling.

"Okay forget I asked." He backtracked quickly. I deflated instantly.

"Sorry, sorry, it's not you. He said something and it upset me though it shouldn't have. It's fine, we'll get over it." I grabbed the eggs and bacon. Then I got a pan from the cabinet. He nodded, not looking at me.

"We're going to do some training today." I said slightly more cheerfully, and he perked up.

"Go wake the others for me." he ran back upstairs. I rolled my eyes at his behavior. The other 2 were no better as they ran down and sat at the table. I shook my head and plated the food. I sat down with my plate; my eyes were closed as I ate. They chatted quietly while we ate. It was nice.

"Hey Stiles, what does today hold?" I looked at him (Danny).

"Oh, training." He looked at me with a questioning brow.

"If you can beat me in a fight or I think you're good enough we can forgo basic training."

"Can I pick the weapon, or did you mean hand to hand?"

"Weapon I guess then we can do hand to hand later."

"You got boa staffs?"

"Nice choice."

"Here." We took our weapons and walked into the woods, stopping in the clearing. Danny gets put on his ass in under 2 minutes. The twins in the back shook, snickering, and slightly more terrified of me.

"Stiles please keep my boyfriend in one piece." I smiled at him.

"Are you good?" He was stunned then the shock wore off.

"Fuck! Where the hell did you learn that?" I was laughing helping him up.

"Danny for nearly 3 years I have been running with and from wolves and various other creatures that lurk in this god forsaken town. This type of fighting is fun to me."

"Fuck you."

"I think Ethan would be jealous." We looked at him when we heard a hard thud. Aiden was on the ground rolling and Ethan had his arms crossed pouting and blushing. I walked around Danny, pulling the smaller boy against me by the waist.

"I'm not opposed to sharing but that's up to you guys though." That made Aiden freeze up. Both the twins could hear I wasn't lying. Danny turned and slapped my chest.

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