Chapter 11

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That night I slept better than I had in awhile, which was weird considering that I would enter the arena tomorrow morning. I woke up to a rapping on the door and Finnick's voice. I rolled over and looked at the clock, I didn't have to be up for another hour but I opened the door. "What do you want Finnick?"

"Do you have a district token?" he asked and I felt the pain of regret as I thought back to the boots I had left on the train. "I was going to bring my boots, but I left them on the train."

He nodded "I figured. I want you to wear this."

He held out a gold chain with a small pearl strung on it. I held out my hands and he poured the necklace into my hands.

"This was Mag's, then Ash's, then Annie's token. It's said to bring good luck to any District 4 native that wears it in the games."

"Thank you Finnick." I hugged him and put the necklace around my neck. His face was grave, and I knew that this was the last time that we would talk and I wasn't going to interrupt the life saving information that was going to come out of his mouth.

"When you get in that arena, I don't care if you want to go into the blood bath, but find shelter and water as soon as you can, don't start a fire no matter how cold it gets. It will draw people to you and the smoke will give you away. Get a hold of a weapon if you can."

I nodded, "Anything else?"

"Don't die."

"Thanks for the token Finnick."

"No problem Spunky."

I hugged him again and forced myself to keep the tears back. In the two weeks that I had known Finnick Odair he hadn't done anything besides insult me and tease me. Now he was all business, keeping me alive. I wasn't going to let him down.

About an hour later all of the tributes were loaded into a hovercraft and we were headed to the arena. I was shoved between Rock and the District 5 male as the hovercraft lifted off and I felt the butterflies in my stomach start to come. By the time we got to the launch centers I felt like I was going to throw my breakfast up all over the District 5 boy. They came by before they dropped us down and stuck a large needle in each of our arms. I think I heard the little girl from 8 whimper at the sight of the needle. I closed my eyes as they stuck the tracker in my arm. It stung but I looked down at her and made eye contact with her. 'Its all going to be okay.' I mouthed to her and she gave me a small smile as they called my name.

"Sage Beatty, This is your launch station." I was the first to unload into the launch centers or slaughter houses as they were sometimes called in 4. As soon as I walked in the door and saw Adrian I grabbed the nearest garbage can and hurled my breakfast into it. Once it was out I felt better but Adrian made sure I was done puking before helping me into the outfit. It was a blue and grey jumpsuit made out of a thicker material. There were sturdy boots and Adrian hung the pearl necklace around my neck and tucked it into the jumpsuit. He sat me down and pulled my hair back into two tight dutch braids, similar to the ones I had worn to the reaping.

He forced some food and water into me before speaking in a quiet voice. "The suit is made of a thermal but breathable fabric so expect some hot days and cold nights. Maybe desert, but be warned that this is very similar to what they wore in the 68th."

The 68th hunger games had been one of the worst games, the arena was a large cave with passages that went on forever, with mutts around every corner. Most of the tributes went insane or killed themselves.

"I really hope it's not a cave or a maze." I said and Adrain nodded.

He fastened the long braids with tape instead of elastics. It made sense, tape would last longer. I drank some more water and ate some bread.

"Tributes prepare for launch in 60 seconds." an automated voice said and Adrian smoothed the suit out and looked me in the eye, "I'm still dressing you for your victory, I believe in you."

I hugged him and took one more swig of water.

"Thank you."

"Thirty seconds to launch."

I shook my arms out, staring the tube down.

"Ten seconds to launch."

I stepped into the tube and Adrian smiled.

"Good luck, and find water." I nodded as the glass door closed and the tube began to rise under my feet.


I looked up as daylight started to show, I caught one last glimpse of Adrian's face before the sunlight blinded me. I looked around as my vision cleared, I was surrounded by ruins in what seemed to be a dry lake bed. I heard Claudius Templesmith's voice ring across the arena,

"Ladies and Gentlemen, let the 73rd Hunger Games begin."

Look at me, two chapters in two days! Hope you like it! I'm still editing on my phone so it isn't very well edited but bear with me! I don't own the Hunger Games.
All the love ❤︎

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